
Thursday, January 8, 2015

It’s Carnival Time, y’all!


Linda at Life and Linda did it once again. Seasonally, I have had her change my blog header. Linda knocks it out of the park every time.

mardi gras

I love the beads hanging from the antlers. “Throw me Something, Mister.” The colors of the season, purple, green, and gold are also displayed.

Linda also added some Mardi Gras flair to my facebook profile.

logo Mardi Gras

logo Mardi Gras 2

What’cha think? I LOVE your comments!

It will be a great Carnival season.

If you need a blog redesign or help with your site, I highly recommend Linda. You can contact her on her blog, Life and Linda.

Carnival time, y’all!


  1. Good morning, Ron! Linda nailed it again with the header on your blog--very festive and so fitting for the Carnival season. Have a great day! xoxo

  2. Perfect! Laissez bon temps roulez!

  3. Perfect Ron! Linda really did a great job for you. This is so you.

  4. Perfect for you. Can't wait to see what all you come up with for Mardi Gras.

  5. Perfect for you Ron! Adore Linda!!

  6. Perfect redesign, Ron! Linda does good work! Enjoy the season!

  7. I think it's a fun fest just like Mardi Gras! We have attended many a party down in NOLA that go all the way back to the 60's~ Now THOSE were the days! I am sure it's changed somewhat!! Can't wait to see what decorations you create for this wonderful celebration!

  8. Looks fabulous Ron! Enjoy this special time in your area- I'm jealous! We just had a blizzaard roll through and here you are partying it up down there with short sleeves on!!

  9. Looks fabulous!!
    Have a great weekend!!!!

  10. Love your new header Ron!!!! Happy New year!


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