Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Atlanta “Homes”


It is always a priority of J & I’s to drive around and take a look at our former homes in Atlanta.

When I moved to Atlanta, J & I lived at The Enclave at Renaissance close to downtown and convenient to Midtown. J & I loved our balcony where we spent many afternoons and evenings. The balcony was filled with lots of greenery. We also spent many days poolside with friends and neighbors. Some of my best days in Atlanta were in Unit #309.




We too love to drive by our former home in West Midtown. It has been five years since our last visit, and we have heard that the home and yard had not received much TLC. Take a look for yourself. WOW!!!!


house yard

The yard is an overgrown mess. You would think if you could afford two Mercedes that you could hire a yard service. Hmmmmmm? Priorities!

I loved the Atlanta home and yard. It was J and I’s first home we built together, so there are lots of great memories there.



Check out my Atlanta home: click HERE.

Do not forget to check out the Thanksgiving Vignettes blog hop:



No Minimalist Here

Uptown Acorn

The Vintage Nest

Dixie Delights

Common Ground

Hospitality Designs

The Essence Of Home

Northern Nesting

Miss Kopy Kat

21 Rosemary Lane

A Stroll Thru Life

All About Vignettes

Atlanta homes, y’all!


  1. That is just sad, Ron. It is heartbreaking to drive by your old home and see what happened to it. I did the same thing on Monday. Drove past one of our old houses in the historical district and I could have cried. The paint is peeling off the front porch steps and the yard is overgrown. They ripped out the rose bushes and all the bulbs I planted because "he" does not like flowers in the yard. I guess what he does like is a mess!

    Sorry you had to see your old home looking like that! Have a great day- xo Diana

  2. Ron, we have learned this lesson..never go back move forward and cherish the memories

  3. Good morning, Ron! Wow, the house doesn't even look like the same one. That is so sad. :/ At least you have your memories of how it looked when you and J lived there. Have a great day! xoxo

  4. Doesn't that make you cringe Ron!! We built our first home in Connecticut and when we go back to visit our friends we always take a drive by the old husband was meticulous with his yard and now it's just an overgrown and neglected mess... I can just imagine what the inside is like!

  5. your apartment complex and former home (when you lived there) are so pretty. it's such a shame the current owners don't/can't keep up the yard....wonder what the inside looks like?! i wonder if they are renters seeing how they place value on the cars instead of the maintenance of the yard, etc.

    hope your health has improved 100% (P.S. I'm still not getting your post notifications for some reason)

  6. Aw, that is just sad but you know how much love you give your homes. It always makes me angry to see folks who can but don't take care of their yard! Glad you had a good visit in ATL despite that little blip. Hugs!!


  7. Is that a skeleton in that mess of a yard? That says it all.

  8. You and I think just alike! I would think the same thing about your yard compared to how it looked when you lived there. It looked gorgeous when you took care of it. I bet your neighbors miss you guys! My husband and I have driven by our old house before and noticed changes that the new owners made. We don't like them. Oh well, not our problem now!

  9. It is easy to see how much pride you take in your homes. Atlanta is lots of fun!

  10. Yep looks like the peeps that bought your home need to get their priorities in order. How sad to drive by and remember how beautiful and what pride you had in owner ship of this home to now see it looking like that. Sorry you had to see that. She is begging for you and J to come back to her!

  11. Oh my! I would never guess it is the same home. Sadly, we have driven by several of the homes I grew up in after moving to Atlanta in 1978 and have seen the same thing. The neighborhoods have most certainly changed!! Sad.

  12. Its great that you looked up your former homes. Kind of a shocker to see the house. They've obviously made little to no effort to maintain things. Like you said priorities!

  13. It is so sad that they are not taking care of that house! The landscaping looked beautiful when you owned it. Too bad they had to decide between the Mercedes or a yard boy!!

  14. Wow - what a difference...looks like their taste is a little different than yours - lol. Seriously though, that's a shame that they let it go.

  15. So tragic that the owners would let this happen. That home and yard were pristine. I agree, hire a lawn service. My maternal grandparents' Yard was gorgeous. Huge azaleas and and so many pretties. 4 years ago I rode by that house and was devastated. I doubt I will ever go by again.

  16. How sad, I have often checked out your Atlanta yard on your blog for inspiration, not much inspiration now!


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