
Friday, September 19, 2014

Just for the Health of it {Prayers, please!}


A week ago I shared that I was stressing over something to come. Today, I am ready to share this issue with you. I am so nervous.

I just wanted to make you aware of an upcoming procedure(surgery) I am having performed on my heart in a couple weeks.


As many of you know, I was "rushed" into the ER in January of 2013 due to an extremely excessive heartbeat (170-180 bpm). I went into the doctor's office with flu-like symptoms, and I stayed in ICU for three days. It was determined that my heart was also in atrial fibrillation, so I underwent a T.E.E. 

Read about T.E.E:{}.

Doctors surmised that the virus had attacked my heart and weakened it. My ejection fraction as read by an ultrasound was 20%, and my heart was classified as being in heart failure.

Read about ejection fraction: {}

I was placed on powerful meds and all seemed like it was getting better.

This past summer, I had a routine ultrasound performed. It was discovered that my ejection fracture was around 40%-50%. The number is subjective but should be between 55-75%. My heart is still classified as being in heart failure.

On September 22 (Monday) at 6:00 AM, I am having another TEE performed to check for clots, and if all is clear I will undergo an ablation.

Read about ablations: {}

Hopefully this will do the "trick", and I'll be able to be weaned off some of my daily meds. Hopefully, I will remain in regular rhythm, and my heart recovers to a state of "normalcy".

I will be out of work from September 22-26. I am told that the procedure makes one feel very weak and tired with flu-like symptoms.

I am also told and have read that the procedure is an easy one with a very high success rate.

Please keep me in your thoughts and your prayers. You may add me to your daily intentions list. I appreciate any extra prayers.


Prayers, y’all!


  1. Ron, keeping you in my prayers, as always, because friends are always on my list!

  2. Prayers and Healing Energy to you Ron.

    You sound very positive thought I realize you are concerned. Hold on tightly to the positive and we'll all be waiting for your return and the good news that you are on your way to absolute wellness.

  3. Ron, this is my first time to comment, but began reading your log (via Dixie Delights) a few months ago and have enjoyed each and every post. You are in my prayers for a successful procedure, quick recovery and calm nerves going into it. I will be thinking of you all next week and look forward to your "post-surgery" post telling us you are feeling great!

  4. prayers and healing thoughts for sure---good luck, Ron.

  5. Oh Ron, you will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. It's always scary having procedures done and I'm sure you've had nothing else on your mind. You will be fine and we will look forward to reading your posts once you are feeling yourself again.

  6. Of course you will be in my prayers for successful surgery and quick healing. I'm amazed you will only be out of work for a short time - it sounded short to me! The marvels of modern medicine! Peace to you.

  7. Ron, you're in my thoughts and I'll whisper a prayer for you and your medical team. One of my sisters experienced a similar thing several years ago when she was in her early 50s - she has cardiomyopathy. Her EF was like yours, but remains only at 50% at best (which feels wonderful to her, given where it was). It's amazing you're able to continue working. Best wishes!
    Rita C at Panoply

  8. Good morning, Ron! I have been praying for you since you sent me your email and will continue to do so. <3 I also have our Coffee Circle praying for you. :) I love your positive outlook in spite of your anxiety. Have a great day! xoxo

  9. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts your way. Can't wait to hear the good news that all is well and that you are on the road to recovery!

  10. Prayers and well wishes are sent your way Ron.

  11. Saying a prayer for you right now. Best wishes for your good heart's recovery.

  12. Ron-I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. I understand how you are feeling and have been throug a similar situation. When Ben was about 5 months old my husband and I decided to join a gym. I needed help losing some weight gain during pregnancy. My husband surprised me with a few sessions with a personal trainer. At the second session my trainer had me on a treadmill and it displayed my heart rate. After brisk walking for only 5 minutes my heart rate was 190! I was not out of breath or in any distress. Needless to say I was asked to get off the treadmill, lead to a office, blood pressure taken and was basically told not to return u less I had a note from my doctor.
    After many tests I was diagnoses as having "Non-specific, Unsustainable Tachycardia." I am on a medication to lower and help maintain a normal heart rate. My doctor through out an idea about under going a procedure that basically shocks your heart in hopes of "resetting" it. She said there are risks of course. I opted not to do that and continue on the medicine. I will be thinking of you and praying for the best!

  13. Ron I will be keeping you in my prayers! There are lots of heart issues that run in my family and so I'm aware of many of the things you are going through. Just know we are lifting you up in prayer and well wishes. Hugs, Linda

  14. Sending prayers and well wishes your way!!!

  15. Of course I will keep you in my prayers. Take care of yourself, dear friend.

  16. Aww Ron, I am so sorry you are having these issues. i will send out my healing thoughts and prayer.s Try to relax and. I know how scary an upcoming surgery can be....xo

  17. Prayers are on the way dear friend!

  18. Prayers are on the way dear friend!

  19. Ron,
    Prayers are being said for you my friend. This is great you have good doctors and they are on top of this with you. Your positive attitude is about 80% of the success rate to any of these procedures. You have a good one and will do really well. It is normal to be nervous and worried but because you see this will help you and you caught this in the treatable time is a blessing. I have been a nurse for a long time and I have seen the power of prayer work and also the peeps with the most positive attitudes toward healing and recovery really do the best. Good luck my sweet friend. I will be thinking and praying for a great and successful treatment and recovery.

  20. You are so sweet and dear and I will surely keep you and your J in my thoughts and prayers. Modern Medicine works miracles...I have twice had medical issues that warranted surgery. I prayed and affirmed (to my dear St. Anthony) that I was in good hands. Putting my faith and health entirely in his hands allowed me to find a new neurosurgeon who recommended an alternative to surgery ... and the second time, for my kidney stone, though I was seeing a doctor I believed was ideal, as St. Anthony would have it, I ended up with the chief of urological surgery at one of the largest and well respected hospitals in Seattle. I was in and out in 59 minutes. All of your friends will pray for you. Just trust you are in good hands. (God's hands working through your surgeon.) I am sure St. Anthony will be happy to lend a helping hand too. These doctors do these procedures all day long, every day of the year. The way I see it these cardiologist are just doing a routine tune-up. They do it all the time. It sounds scary to us because it is out of our range of expertise and it involves one of your most vital organs. Take care, and in a week from now this will all be behind you and you'll be writing a post called, "Recovery y'all". XoXo

  21. I will certainly include you in my daily prayers. Take care...and don't worry, it will all be OK.


  22. Wishing you the very best and a thorough recovery.

  23. Prayers for a successful, healing, stress free procedure are going up as requested. I'm also including Jeff, Honey and your family in there too for strength and support. Stay strong and positive, sweet friend.

  24. Prayers for you dear friend! You are so strong to share. I've been through something similar with my heart & might need abolition too. I'm here for you if you ever need to talk (clots, hearts, or a good Bloody Mary). XO

  25. Sending many thoughts & prayers your way, Ron...

  26. Praying for you and keeping you close in thought. Stay positive and soon this will be in the past.
    XO Liz

  27. Prayers for you, Ron - definitely!

  28. Good luck my friend! Prayers on the way for a speedy recovery.

  29. Oh Honey!! I can only imagine what you and J must be going through right now.
    I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Monday we will be bombarding heaven with prayers for you for healing and a speedy and successful recovery.
    BIG hugs!

  30. Praying Ron! Will send you an email later today. I can relate to where you are right now.

  31. Oh, Ron! I'm so sorry to hear this. My husband and I have moved to New York and I've not been blogging. You certainly have my prayers for peace and a successful procedure. God be with you and keep you in His hands.

  32. You will definitely be in my thoughts and I will say a prayer for you! Take care and please keep us posted when you feel up to it!

  33. Oh Ron, I know that you will come through with flying colors. You will be included in my daily prayers. Keep us posted on how your doing.


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