
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Home Sweet Home


I’m home y’all, and it feels so good.

home sweet home

The ablation procedure was a success. The ECHO today showed that my heart was functioning normally. The doctor says that he will be able to tell its true success in 2-3 months.

Of course, I do not remember a thing from the procedure. They took me back around 8:30 AM, and the procedures lasted until 1:30 PM. The anesthesia worked like a charm.

before surgery

with J

Thanks to J, Monique, my sister Colette, and my dad for waiting so patiently during this time.

Last night I really tried to sleep, but it is nearly impossible in the hospital. Nurses, aides, etc were in my room almost every two hours taking blood pressure, temperature, and blood samples.


I have been on the couch since I was released today, and it feels great to be home. I was told that I would feel flu-like symptoms, and that is exactly how I feel. I am quite weak, but it is normal.

Thanks for the continued prayers and well wishes. I appreciate hearing from you all.

Fall y'all

Home, y’all!


  1. Yeah Ron so happy you are home and feeling better. It will be good to get in your own bed and not have anyone poking at you. So happy to hear you did so well and the heart is doing great. I know how scared you were and so happy you can be at ease now. Wishing you a great recovery and now you have lots of time to blog hop and pinterest and rest!!!!!!

  2. How awesome - PTL!!! I'll keep praying til you're up and around and back to normal!!


  3. So glad to hear you're back at home and recouping!!! Hang in there until you are back to your normal self and I will keep praying for a rapid recovery!

  4. So glad to hear you are home Ron and doing so well. Great news that the procedure seemed to work. Yay!! Rest up and continued prayers for your recovery!

  5. Wonderful news...thank you for the update and best wishes for a speedy recovery to 110%.

  6. Welcome home! I'm so glad that you are home and resting. Hoping to see you soon! Take care! xoxo

  7. So happy to hear the ablation went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery. God Bless you.


  8. so glad you are home and on the mend

  9. Dear Ron, for some reason I'm not getting updates from your blog and/or I decided to click over to your blog to see what was going on with you and was shocked/surprised to read all you've been going through! Please know that I will keep you in my prayers for a full and total recovery. I know you are in good hands with J and the Good Lord. Hope you are back to good health soon.


  10. So glad to read you are back home. May your road to recovery be speedy and smooth!

  11. Ron, I'm sorry I haven't posted before now. My daughter was just diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. Please know I have been praying for you all during this time. I am so happy that your procedure was a success and you are resting comfortably. My girlfriend that lives in NOLA had the cardiac ablation several years ago and it was a complete success. Continued prayers coming your way. And many BIG hugs as well Ron!

  12. Good to see you post this update. Keep on resting and before you know it you'll be out enjoying yourself again. Happy fall Ron!

  13. Great news. Take it easy and be kind to yourself for a quick recovery.

  14. Yay! Glad to hear it. Take it easy, rest, and follow the doctor's orders. You'll feel like yourself in no time!

  15. What wonderful news!!! So glad you are able to rest and relax at home now. Still keeping you in my prayers for the speediest of recoveries!

  16. Yay! So happy things went smoothly! Now...lots of rest...follow your doctor's advice...and enjoy your time on the couch! ;)

  17. So glad everything went well! Rest up!

  18. so glad that everything went well! Relax and rest up!

  19. Yes, there is no place like home. And, I don't know anyone who can sleep in a hospital other than a newborn baby! LOL Glad things went well. Rest up!!

  20. Glad you are home and the surgery was successful...take care!!!

  21. Thankful to hear that you are home... Continued prayers for a speedy recovery and more good news!

  22. Ron, I am so glad everything went well and that you are home. Take care of yourself.

  23. Glad to hear you are home and feeling good, Ron! You can never sleep in a hospital. I'll bet you slept good once you got home, though. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  24. Oh Ron, so glad that the procedure was a success. I know you are so glad to be home. Take care of yourself - I wish you the very beat.

  25. I'm so glad everything went well.....I hope you feel like your old self again very SOON!

  26. Glad you are home safe and sound. I know you are relieved it is over and let's hope everthing is working great. Good doctors and great anesthesia. You were in good hands Ron. J was wonderful with his updates. Rest up and enjoy life. xo


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