
Monday, August 11, 2014

Grand Isle for the Weekend


When you are reading this, I will be sitting in meetings all day (for three days). I start school tomorrow, and the kids return on Thursday. But let’s not talk school.




J & I spent another great weekend in one of our fave locales, Grand Isle. We returned to Winston’s Place on the beach for some R & R.

shrimp boat

shrim boat

I am always in the best moods when I am beachside. Saturday was one of the most gorgeous days. Though it was hot, a nice breeze greeted us mid-day. It was perfect.

coffee tawk





I cannot believe I am returning to school already. I am looking forward to the end-of-school countdown. LOL!

Do not forget about the Southern Lights candle give away (TWO DAYS):

click HERE to enter!


Beach:30, y’all!


  1. Good luck today! Wishing you a wonderful year!

  2. This summer flew by! Whenever I smell crayons and play-dough, I'm sad I'm not still teaching. But when I sit on the beach while my kids are in class . . . I'll be thinking of 'ya, buddy!

  3. Ahhh...the beach! The summer really did fly by! Best of luck getting back to your routine!
    Cheers! - Shelley

  4. I hope you have a great year!!! You can sure say "you had a great summer". Lavendar Vanilla for me please.

  5. Wow! Do you think it has been a short summer? Great that you were able to work in one more week-end away! I send along best wishes for a good school year. I've been there, you know.

  6. O,I know...I have 7 grandgirls that are singing the blues 'cause it's so close to school time.
    Maybe the year will go quickly (I know it will for me since TIME FLIES faster, the older you get)
    and summertime will be here before you know it.:)

  7. I know you are relishing your last few days of freedom this week. My son went back to school last Thursday.

  8. Enjoy the beach while you can, soon enough it will be fall y'all!
    Hope you have a great year...........

  9. It looks and sounds like a great beach day, Ron! I haven't been to a beach in years but always loved going. I'm still getting used to the schools starting earlier here in Ohio than they did in NY. It is after Labor Day weekend there (usually the Wed.).

  10. Great way to end summer vacay!! Can't believe the kiddos have already been back a a week here. NUTS!!!

  11. We started back with inservice last week. Always sad for the summer break to end. I always tell myself that summer isn't over. I just have to make the most of the summer weekends!

  12. Such beautiful photos! The sea, sand and drinks are great therapy. :)



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