
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

From Indiana to Florida {Summer Fun}


As I’ve stated before, it’s a small, small world. Unbeknownst to us, J’s aunt, cousin, and family traveled down to Navarre Beach, FL just an hour from us. What are the chances that they would be so close to us during the same week? They are from Fishers, IN, a 12-hour drive to the sandy shores of FL. With three kids in tow, I am sure that is a feat all in itself. Well yesterday, they drove from Navarre Beach to spend the day with us.

We had a great afternoon, and Lucy loved playing with her newest friends.

Aunt Wanda is J’s mom’s sister. His first cousin Tracy is her daughter, and she is married to Craig. They have three children-Ellie, Everett, and Edward. They too love the beach but are not able to get to it as much.

J and Tracy.


J, Craig, Aunt Wanda, and Tracy.

aunt wanda

With me.


with me

With my cousin Laurie.

cousins laurie

With Honey.


They even stayed to dine with us last evening. My aunt and mom (Sugar & Honey) love to entertain, and they did in true Southern style. All left very well fed. The three kids were so polite and thankful.

Honey with Everett {her fave}.

honey and everett

Honey with Ellie.

honey and ellie

Honey with Edward.

honey and edward

Ellie and Lucy.

Lucy and Ellie

Do not forget to enter the NOLA Couture give away through rafflecopter HERE. The give away ends Thursday!

give away 6

Indiana to Florida, y’all!


  1. Aww, it is a small world! I'm so glad that J got to visit with his relatives from Indiana, and I'm sure Sugar and Honey were the Southern hostesses that I know they are! Have a great day! xoxo

  2. Everyone looks so happy....what a great way to spend the day :o)

  3. They traveled many miles to have this wonderful experience at the beach! Looks like everyone was having a great time!

  4. How fun you guys, you sure know how to enjoy life and with your beautiful family as well. God bless!

  5. Small, small world. Glad you had even more fun with extended family. Enjoy the beach time!

  6. What wonderful memories you created there, Ron. It really is a small world and I am glad that you connected with some of J's relatives. Looks like Honey has adopted them as her own! xoDiana

  7. Hi Ron, Sounds like you are having a great trip. We lived on Navarre Beach for ten years and I really miss the beach.
    Hugs, Sherry

  8. It's really a small world sometimes isn't it? So glad that y'all were able to meet up and hang out together. The more the merrier at the beach!

  9. I live very close to Fishers, IN. Yes, a far stretch from any ocean! Small world indeed! Looks like a good time!

  10. Fun times! I love that it was all so random.

  11. How fun, Ron! Looks like everyone had a blast! I'm totally jealous right now!

  12. How fun to be able to all be together....pretty cool !!

  13. How fun that you were all able to be together! Looks like you're having a wonderful trip....from another (jealous) Hoosier :).


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