Sunday, May 18, 2014

White Caladiums in the Courtyard


It has definitely been warm enough here in NOLA, so the caladiums are popping up in full force.


I love the coolness of the white leaves with the greens of the courtyard. They do so well all summer.



The caladiums I planted in the courtyard are the White Christmas variety. I planted many bulbs in the ground and in the wall baskets and pots.





Do you plant caladiums? Which variety?




Have an awesome Sunday!

Don’t forget my on-going give aways:

Uptown Acorn koozies: click HERE

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Pelican Coast tie: click HERE


White Caladiums, y’all!


  1. I love your courtyard. I'm going to plant some caladiums in my planter that my children gave me for Mothers Day! Have a great day! xoxo

  2. That is so pretty! We used to plant the pink ones that remind me of watermelons. Can't wait to see your garden in the summer.

  3. I love the white Cladiums but they need more shade then I have here I think! Everything is looking so great in you courtyard.

  4. I always enjoy caladiums white and variegated too. I don't have enough shade at this house to have any but enjoy seeing yours.

  5. We had white caladiums in the 'white' garden at the old house. We had lots of beautiful shade there. Had red and pink ones on the front garden as well. I miss them, we have mostly sun here... too hot and sunny for them here in this garden.
    I'll have to enjoy your luvly ones.

  6. Beautiful. I need to get mine planted. I too love the white variety best. I really should consider mixing some in amongst our ferns and hostas around the pond this year. I usually only use them in our pots.

  7. I love green and white caladiums and bought a pot of them last year. This year,I planted bulbs (raspberry moon) before Easter, but it's been so cold that they haven't come up. I may just get some at the garden center and plant them. Love seeing yours in the courtyard.

  8. White Christmas is my favorite variety. I've not planted caladiums this year. May go ahead and add some. You've inspired me!

  9. Ron your white caladiums look so pretty. We planted some on our pool deck a few years ago but unfortunately they didn't due well because of too much sun:( They are a favorite of the hubby's.

  10. Ron, your caladiums are beautiful! I have about 4 pots of them this year; and they are going strong! They are a "must have" for me every year!

  11. Those are pretty. I love the white and the evening glow is a nice bonus. I have some I'm planting that have a sprinkle of some red speckles.


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