
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Happy Birthday, Facebook!


Facebook is celebrating 10 years! Who knew? I am impressed with Mr. Zuckerberg and his creation.

Click HERE to watch my 10 years on facebook.


I have been using facebook since 2008, so it has been 6 years for me. For me, facebook initially started as a way to see family and friend photos, but it has become much more than that. Facebook is a great medium to share photos and share happenings that are going on in my life. Some may joke that post too many cocktail pics. I simply like to post my libations at some of my favorite jaunts around NOLA or the South. Keeping facebook positive!

May Grand Isle

Having started a facebook page for Uptown Acorn, my “audience” has broadened to include many more individuals. I am able to share my blog, The Uptown Acorn with you. Click HERE to “like” Uptown Acorn on facebook.

Which “one” are you?


I guess I’m more #3 & #10.

What does facebook mean to you?

Facebook is 10, y’all!


  1. Actually, I am not on Facebook, though I am on Twitter.:-)

  2. I just love seeing everyone's pics, vacations, workouts, etc. I don't get home much so it keeps me connected to everyone.

  3. Still not on FB, I can hardly keep up with email and IG!! Can't believe it has been 10 years already.

  4. Well, there isn't a category to describe me. :)


  5. I guess I'm a #10. I do click the Like button a lot. I just love seeing everyone's pictures--I especially love yours! Being on FB has allowed me to reconnect with some many former students and friends. Have a great day! xoxo


Thanks for reading and commenting @ The Uptown Acorn! I love hearing from you. Cheers, y'all!