
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ice, Ice baby!


You would have thought that we had 3 feet of snow in South Louisiana yesterday. The hysteria was rampant.


It is true that most of us do not know how to drive in such conditions. Many schools, bridges, and roads were closed. There were dozens of reports of accidents on roadways. Slow down folks, slow down! I saw this on facebook yesterday, and it is such a true assessment of attitudes down here.


This is the stuff that caused such hysteria. It is what fell down upon Perrier Street Uptown.




Diana, what do you think? Could you live in this mess? LOL!

It is all relative, I guess!

Weather reports show that even colder weather moves here Tuesday and Wednesday. WOW! This has been a brutal winter, and it continues.

Ice, Ice, y’all!


  1. Haha it is crazy how with weather it really is all relative. My uncle was here from San Diego over thanksgiving and we had about 3 inches of snow and he was just beside himself. Nonetheless, be careful!

  2. This winter weather is really weird! My sister and family were overnight in NOLA before embarking on a cruise. She hoped she had packed appropriately for the tropics, and the weather she left here seems to have followed her! Regardless of where one lives, icy conditions are no fun for any of us! Take care!

  3. OMG, Ron!!!! We don't even consider that a "dusting" of snow. That would be like dandruff here. It is snowing and blowing again and we have another 3 to 4 inches of it coming. Temps are well below zero with the wind chill it is minut 15 here on the bay where we live. This is the worst winter I have ever had here-excluding the first two after I moved here from Florida. Terrible. I really NEED to move South. Our kids have to go to school unless the thermometer reads 15 BELOW zero. Crazy, huh? But- we have the clothes for it and raise hardy kids! xoDiana

  4. OMG, Ron!!!! We don't even consider that a "dusting" of snow. That would be like dandruff here. It is snowing and blowing again and we have another 3 to 4 inches of it coming. Temps are well below zero with the wind chill it is minut 15 here on the bay where we live. This is the worst winter I have ever had here-excluding the first two after I moved here from Florida. Terrible. I really NEED to move South. Our kids have to go to school unless the thermometer reads 15 BELOW zero. Crazy, huh? But- we have the clothes for it and raise hardy kids! xoDiana

  5. Oh you adorable southerners crack me up! We had a foot of snow this week and are getting 2-4 inches today! I must say, I am sick of it and it's already January! At least you have some hope of warmer weather before we get it. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. LOL Ha, Katie said she got a dusting in Waco yesterday. She laughed (her grandma lives in MI, her daddy grew up there and I in NY). They even mention a possibility of it here and everyone panics! ROFL We do have ice on the pond however which is rare with the fountain going.

  7. Can you scrape it up and make a snowman? A snow midget?



  8. Now I have that song stuck in my head...and for some unknown reason...
    STOP! Hammer Time!

    You can't touch this.

    Word to yo' motha...


  9. But have you ever seen someone from up north react to a hurricane? They are freaking out while we are mixing drinks.

  10. My son Matthew had to hunker down in Lafayette because he couldn't get back to NOLA from West Hackberry where he was for work. Thank God we have friends there, and they took care of him. Love cold weather it not what we had yesterday. Have a good evening. Xoxo

  11. Y'all stay warm! It has definitely been a cold winter! ;)

  12. That's too funny. Well, technically you live further south than me, so it's even more rare for you to see snow. I know everyone here freaks out with a little with snow, but I bet your area REALLY freaks out! We still haven't had snow this year here (other than some blowing flurries that didn't stick around). I kind of wish we would have one day of it though.

  13. So true! I had to comment as this is just as bad in DC, though we do get more snow. Indeed it's been a brutal winter. Way toooooo long!!

  14. We had snow here, school was canceled, but the day was beautiful. ;-)
    Snow in the south is big excitement.

  15. We don't get much more than that, Ron. No one really knows how to drive in ice...snow is a bit better I guess unless it's several feet like the folks up north are getting. We don't have the equipment around here so of course we're stranded.

    Stay warm....tomorrow night brings another round of icy cold! Not sure when it will arrive at youro house.


  16. I can imagine the ice causes quite a stir down in your area! The cartoon drawing is funny! We've just gotten 12" of snow since Thursday. It's been a rough few days up here.

  17. LOL, I was just looking at the Weather Channel and it looks like the South is supposed to get a few more flakes this week. I guess I'd better run to the store for bread and milk before the great stampede. :)


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