
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry {Day After} Christmas 2013


J & I trekked to T-town (Thibodaux) to celebrate Christmas with friends and family at Sugar’s home. Sugar, for those of you that do not know, is my mom’s only sister. Mom is known as Honey, and Aunt Jane is Sugar or Sugah as most of us say.

We opened presents and devoured the most delicious seafood gumbo.

I did not get many pictures of the day as our kids rarely cooperate. The boys are at an age where pictures are “geek”, and they cannot be bothered by taking photos. They are totally normal little boys and cannot wait to strip off the uncomfortable Christmas outfits. I cannot blame them!

Just so you know, if some of the women look like clowns in the photos my niece LuLu received a huge make up kit from Santa and had mini sessions with her newest clients. LOL!

Enjoy the few pics I took:


Do these boys look excited??? And check out Honey’s make up. LOL.






Day After Noel, y’all!


  1. Love the makeup jobs that Lucy did on the women. Looks like y'all had a good day. We did, too, but I'm exhausted today. Wishing you and J a continued happy holidays. Have a great day! xoxo

  2. Gumbo, yum! My son was the same way when photos were to be taken. Looks like they were enjoying their technical toy! Happy New Year Ron!

  3. The makeup jobs are hysterical. I can so remember my girls doing that! Glad you all had a wonderful Christmas.

  4. What a treat! Seafood Gumbo with wonderful family! Makeup skills are likely to improve!:-)

  5. Too funny with the makeup!!!!! Honey was a good sport to let them make her over. LOL. Sounds like you had a great Christmas. Yes, I have boys, so I'm all too familiar with the "unexcited" photos. My 12 yr old asked why we had to go to "so and so's" house and how long before we got to come back home. He hates these family get togethers because he gets bored. He said all we do is talk and eat. Guess he says it like it is.

  6. Looks like a fun family gathering.
    Happy Holidays, Ron.

  7. Oh, no luck here finding a Mr. Fancy Reindeer for our home. Perhaps next year. '-)

  8. Fun pics, Ron! My boys, ages 13 & 9, do not SMILE either. It's a boy thing!

  9. So fun, Love the names for your Mom and Aunt! True to our southern heritage.
    Hey, did you get all your wishes? Can't wait to see.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
    xo Ginger

  10. Hi Ron, I had to laugh at the picture with Honey and the boys! My grandsons are the same way about getting their picture taken.


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