
Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Weather Outside is not so BOOtiful…


The weather outside on this Saturday is rainy and gloomy. It is the perfect Saturday to take down the bins marked Halloween from the 3rd floor.


The parlor and stair parlor are being transformed into spooktacular places in preparation of the happy Halloween season.

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What are you doing on this dreary Saturday?


You know I’ll feature more of the BOOtiful decor in the coming weeks.

A dreary Saturday, y’all!


  1. Getting the scarecrow ready in Wisconsin. Dreary here, too. And, of course, watching LSU tonight, complete with brats!!

  2. I wish I were doing that, Ron. Instead we are making pretzel "salad" (yeah-sure it's a salad) and hanging out. It is COLD and rainy here today, too- xo Diana

  3. Perfect day for getting out the Halloween decorations. It'll take me all of five minutes to get mine out. Can't wait to see your decorations.

  4. I'm home alone as my family is at the LSU game--thinking I might cook something, then maybe not. I can't wait to see your Halloween decor! I know you won't disappoint! Happy decorating! xoxo

  5. We had a beautiful day here in Annapolis. Cleaned and added plants to our street park. Think the rain is headed our way!

    Can't wait to see your Halloween decor!

  6. We had a cool rainy day on Saturday too. I've gotten my exterior fall decorating done. I bet your Halloween decorating will be great!

  7. Gloomy here in AL too! It's a great day to catch up on my DVR.


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