
Friday, August 2, 2013

Musings {August 2013}


I cannot believe that it is already August. OMG! Where has my summer gone? Are you expecting a back to school countdown? Well? Wait for that!

I had a great week. Here are a few of the places and people I enjoyed visiting this week.

Nicholls State University (my alma mater) Meet & Greet at the World War II Museum


Alumni 2

Alumni 3

Borgne at the Hyatt for lunch

Borgne menu


The Company Burger on Freret Street (one of the yummiest burgers in the city)

company burger 4

company burger

company burger 2

company burger 3

Commander’s Palace for co-worker Grayson “Au revoir lunch” {Grayson is moving back to her hometown of Palm Springs.



GAP for back to school pants (Same pants=6 colors)


GAP pants

How has your week been? Have a great weekend.

Thoughts, y’all!


  1. Looks like you had a great week! I've heard how yummy the burgers are at The Company Burger--going to have to check this place out. Love the pic of you and Raz. Have a great weekend! I'm off to Lafayette! xoxo

  2. Looks like you are having a great summer. Hard to believe it is August, isn't it? I had to laugh about he same pants in 6 colors. I do the same thing when I find something that fits perfect- xo Diana

  3. It's one in the morning here and I'm catching up on my blog reading!!! For some reason, I love that you bought 6 of the same pant...typical Ron :) Miss you!!! And Jeffrey...tell him! xoxo



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