
Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 1 {A Must-Read}


Many people who do not teach do not understand what it means to return to the classroom year after year after summer vacation. It takes a toll on all of us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Getting back into routine takes time.


I enjoyed reading Why Teaching Is So Doggone Hard on the blog, Enjoying the Journey by fellow blogger Jennie Scott. Please take time today to read her well-written essay.


Through her eyes, she “gets it” totally. Replace the word her with him, and this could be written by my perspective.

Being a teacher is hard. But it’s good.” I love being a teacher. After all, I have been a certified one since 1990. I just wish that I could teach and not have to worry about all the “extra” that goes along with the job. We as teachers give so much.


Over the next three days, I will sit through all day meetings reviewing policies, schedules, and routines. Pray for me!

I am looking forward to another good and successful school year.


Enjoy the Journey, y’all!


  1. Good morning, Ron! I'm raising my oyster coffee mug in honor of you and all the rest of the teachers. I read Jennie's essay last night, and she is spot on. People who are not teachers have no clue what we educators of through during the school term. Have a great start of the school year! xoxo

  2. Ron, I just love reading your daily blogs! I'm a former school teacher who no longer teaches (but I put my 25 years in!) and thankfully my husband's job is sufficient salary for us as our kids are both grown now. But believe me I "totally get it!" Its exhausting to say the least. You seem like an excellent teacher too! I wish you "good luck" in your new school year. And I'll be on my couch having MY 2 cups of coffee with my beloved GMA staff in the mornings! Keep up the great blogs!

  3. Ron, best of luck for the new school year! Please know that there are parents out there who appreciate your dedication. We have had some wonderful teachers for both of my sons and I know it takes a really special person to handle all the demands of teaching. Remember, you do make a huge difference in so many lives!

  4. Ron, wishing you the best for this school session! My mother was a school teacher; and I remember what it was like for her! She loved her job; but, like you said, all of the "extras" can be a bit much. Her greatest rewards were running into students that she taught, later in life, and hearing how much they loved her class. It was all worth it!

  5. As a fairly new retired teacher will say that I do not miss those first few days of meetings - BUT I do miss the optimism and enthusiasm I had when school began - all of the new things I wanted to try, the "this year will be different" attitude and the first day jitters of trying to remember everything I wanted to say. Sadly, in education all of that is squashed quickly. I had a great career but I will tell you this "retirement is the BEST"!! Enjoy your year!


Thanks for reading and commenting @ The Uptown Acorn! I love hearing from you. Cheers, y'all!