
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Caladiums


With the extreme heat and plentiful rainfall lately, the caladiums along the front of the house have been thriving.


One of my favorite varieties to use is White Queen.

White Queen has striking white leaves with bleeding reddish-pink veins that make this variety distinct. Plant in shade to partial shade. The variety is sun tolerant but favors shade to morning sun.
  White Queen is a hybrid developed by one of the pioneers of caladium breeding, F. M. Joyner - a postman in Tampa, FL. He developed several breeds of caladiums in the 1930's.


White Queen

  • Favors shade to partial shade
  • Striking white leaves with bleeding reddish pink veins
  • Can grow to 18" to 24" tall
  • Fancy white caladium variety


Bulbs should be planted in the spring after the last frost.  The USDA temperature zone chart provides guidelines, however temperatures can vary in specific locales therefore nothing substitutes for local knowledge for exact planting dates.


Earliest Planting Dates

  • Zones 10 April 1

  • Zones 8-9 May 1

  • Zones 6-7 June 1

  • Zones 3-5 July 1

Early Planting Dates Guidelines:
   Plant after last frost
   Soil temperatures should be above 65°F
   Bulbs can be sprouted inside your house and transplanted outside for quicker start.


Latest Planting Dates

  • Zone 9-10 September 1

  • Zones 7-8 August 15

  • Zones 5-6 August 1

  • Zones 3-4 July 15

     Late Planting Date Guidelines
Late season bulbs usually sprout fast; ± 3 weeks
     Late plantings should be done no later than 7 weeks before first frost.


Caladium bulbs like warm moist (not soggy) soil. To get a jump start in northern climes, put your bulbs knobby side up about 1½" to 2" deep in a  shallow pan, bag or flat full of potting mix. Keep the mix warm (70's is nice) and you will find the bulbs shooting up and ready to transplant in the ground.

I always plant my caladiums in Mid-March here in NOLA.


White Queen, y’all!


  1. Love caladiums - I have red and white ones (not sure what variety because I didn't plant them) in pots on my back patio. Yours are beautiful! Have a great day! xoxo

  2. My grandmother gave me caladium bulbs from her yard years ago and they are still going strong. I love this variety you show!

  3. I love caladiums. I planted bulbs last year, but this year resorted only having them in plants. Love them! Yours are beautiful!

  4. Looks absolutely beautiful, Ron. Healthy and gorgeous- xo Diana

  5. You know I love Caladiums and your White Queen ones are gorgeous. Love the photo with the water feature and egret/heron.
    I bought a pot earlier this summer and I should have divided them but didn't know if it would damage the bulbs. Do you think I could divide them..gently, and plant them in the ground til fall or another pot? Thanks for all the info on planting dates.


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