
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cheers to the 4th of July! {Cocktails}


I could not think of a better way to celebrate the 4th of July than with an array of cocktails in the spirited colors of the 4th of July. Here you go!

red white blue martinis




  • 2 ounces Campari
  • 2 ounces Sweet Vermouth
  • Club Soda
  • Orange Slice for Garnish

Fill a Collins glass two-thirds full of ice.  Pour in Campari and Sweet Vermouth.  Top off with club soda.  Garnish with orange slice.


white cocktail

White Russian:

  • One cup of ice cubes
  • 1 to 1½ oz vodka
  • ½ to 1 ½ oz Kahlua
  • Cream, half & half or milk to top off the glass or to fill it
  • Maraschino cherry for garnish (optional)

First fill a highball or rocks glass with ice. Then pour the vodka into the glass. You can either use a measuring cup or pour a portion of the vodka from a mini bottle. These mini bottles are 50 milliliters and they are equal to 1.69 fluid ounces. You need to pour a little more than half of the mini bottle to get a fluid ounce. If you are using one and one half ounces of vodka, then pour the contents of an entire mini bottle and call it even.

After adding the vodka, pour the Kahlua into the glass without stirring the drink. Some people prefer to stir the ingredients at this phase with a swizzle stick to make the alcoholic ingredients blend well. And there are some who prefer to pour the Kahlua before the Vodka. But even if the Kahlua is poured second, it tends to settle at the bottle of the glass as it is heavier.

The next step is to top off the glass with half and half or milk. After adding the milk or cream the drink is not stirred. This is because the main alcoholic ingredients should rest at the bottle of the glass so that it contrasts with the milk.

If desired you have the option of garnishing the drink with a maraschino cherry. It can be rested on the surface of the drink itself as it will be supported by the ice cubes in the drink.

When serving the drink you can use a cocktail straw if desired. This will help your guests sip the alcoholic ingredients at the bottom of the drink or if the wish they can stir the drink.



Blue Martini:

In a cocktail shaker with ice combine :
1 1/2 ounces of Vodka
1 1/2 ounces of Gin
1/2 ounces of blue curacao

Shake. Strain. Serve in a Martini glass with an orange twist. You may also serve the drink on the rocks in a rocks glass.

And feel free to check out Donner-Peltier Distillers, a distillery in my lovely hometown of Thibodaux, LA for more red, white, and blue recipes on their facebook page.

Have a great holiday and always drink responsibly.

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Savvy Southern Style


Cheers to the 4th, y’all!!!


  1. Hi Ron, I'm having a link up and drink up party over at my place. Stop on over and link up all the yummy drinks *cheers* :)

  2. Happy 4th of July, Ron! Cheers! xoxo

  3. Hi Ron,
    Happy Independence Day! Your White Russians bringing back memories for me. There was a time it was always offered as an after dinner drink, along with all of the other infamous liqueurs!

    2013 Designers Series


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