I hate to open a “can of worms” here, but it is no secret to you that I love Miss Paula Deen. Since my first trip to Savannah on J & I’s first trip together to eating at Lady & Sons and Uncle Bubba’s, the spirit of Paula Deen has always filled me with happiness. Her staff has been nothing but gracious in the times I have eaten at her establishments.
I realize that she can be quite “silly” at times, but I do truly believe that she is a good person. Paula has apologized. I have accepted it. Have you?
Remember her search for a new blogger. I applied but never heard a thing. You can read more by clicking HERE.
I believe that Miss Paula needs to stay off the TV for a while, relax, regroup, and return better than ever. I can always find it in my heart to forgive. And we can all hope she learns from her “mistake”. I am certain she has. Praying for you “Miss Paula”. Stay strong and surround yourself with family and good friends (Oh! and those grandkids).
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Paula Deen opinions, y’all!
If I were Paula I would tell them all to kiss my grits and I would disappear to my wonderful house in Savannah and enjoy my children and grandchildren. She has nothing to apologize for, in my opinion. I am her age and raised in the South and we all said "the word" and continue to say "the word". I also want each African American who has uttered a racial slur against a white person to apologize. I am so tired of this country's obsession with being politically correct and I am so tired of paying the price for what my ancestors did/did not do 200 yrs. ago. AMEN!!
ReplyDeleteGinger, You are so-o right! Agree with you wholeheartedly.
DeleteAmen! sister! my thoughts exactly.
DeleteA ridiculous witch hunt. She was asked if ever she had uttered that word in her life and was honest, as apparently millions of others are not being, judging by their feined shock that anyone would have EVER used a racial slur. I challenge anyone of any race to truly be honest and admit that at atleast ONE time in their entire lives they had used a name that was considered to be racially insulting. Ridiculous. As far as her future, she was a successful restaurantuer prior to the food network and will continue to be successful. The food network needs to realize that Paula Deen MADE the network! This is financially motivated by someone.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRon, I too love Paula Deen and anyone who lived in the South during the 50's-60's cannot truthfully state that they have NEVER used the N-word. I think I hear it more today than when I was growing up, but it's not from caucasians. Regardless, Paula has only to thank brother Bubba because of this mess cause he caused it all from what I'm reading. I do not agree with the over-reaction of the people who do business with the Paula Deen empire. I hope that she triumphs
ReplyDeleteSorry about this duplication. Thought my comments didn't go through and they went too many times!
DeleteRon, I too love Paula Deen. I too think she's a little "hokey" at times but I do not think she's a racist. No one who grew up in the south during the 50s - 60s can truthfully say that they NEVER used the N-word. Paula can thank brother Bubba for this "can of worms" because I think he caused the whole thing. I think he's the racist AND the male chauvinist behind this whole brouhaha. I hope that she triumphs.
ReplyDeleteI think we all make mistakes.... life is too short! She apologized, time to move on...
ReplyDeleteShe has apologized so I think we should move on! I enjoy watching her shows too and have tried many of her recipes.
ReplyDeleteRon, I am glad you brought this up because I am furious at the media for making such a big deal about this! They act like she's the worst person in the world for a few words spoken. I think she is a kind person with a good heart. Sometimes things just come out of her mouth that can be silly and/or inappropriate but most of the time that is just part of her charm. She apologized, and I accept it and I wish that the media would and move on. Seriously, why don't they just leave her alone! You are right - she should just lay low for awhile and let this blow over. I hope the stress of all this doesn't break her spirit. Thanks for posting this, Ron and have a great weekend!
I personally find he whole thing to be beyond tragic! I feel the media has blown the whole situation out of proportion. She has apologized and I accept it....time to move on!
Paula has not handled this well, but I continue to support her and fully understand the circumstance. I grew up in the South during the same time and times were very different. I agree that Paula has a good heart and would not intentionally hurt anyone. Hopefully she will recover from this and come back stronger
ReplyDeleteLove my Paula Deen, too! Yes, Paula should lay low, enjoy her grandchildren, and come back strong. Martha Stewart did, and she can, too. Look where she came from - a single mom selling chicken salad sandwiches to support and feed her two young boys to a famous chef. Her Southern spirit will not be broken. #love#PaulaDean! <3
ReplyDeleteI love Paula Deen! I have several of her cookbooks and quite a few of her recipes are made quite often in our household. I am appalled at how the media has treated her, basically for being honest! Am I surprised? No. I do agree with you, Ron! Sit back, take a break and enjoy your fabulous home and family! I, for one, will be waiting for you when you come back and hopefully it will be with someone besides Food Network!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. She admitted something done a lonnnnng time ago and seemed very sincere. I hope this passes and she can just get on with her life and what she loves.
ReplyDeleteGood for you for speaking up what you believe to be true. She has apologized and that's that. I too fist thought when I heard about it, "What person from the South if that age has not said those words?" Because I didn't know better, I called my friends "retarded" when they were acting silly. I also used the word queer in a not very nice way. After I learned that using these words in that way hurt certain people's feelings, I stopped. As I am sure Paula did too. Does that make me any better than Paula or her better than I? Absolutely not! We are all flawed and doing the best we can at the time.
ReplyDeleteI have been a Paula Deen fan for years as well and still remain one. I think this entire scandal is unnecessary quite frankly! This is something she said before she was even famous for pete sakes! I don't think she is prejudiced by the fact she has such a diverse staff for her personal life and her business. I watched her interview yesterday morning on the Today show and felt so bad for her. She could've easily lied and said she never used that word, but chose not to. That right there just shows her morals. The people that are punishing her for this should be punished themselves! They are taking this way out of proportion! I hope she bounces back better than ever from this. Martha Stewart did and she went to prison!!!!! People, let's keep things in perspective here. It's like we're back in elementary school and being sent to the principals office for calling Johnny a bad name. This is someone's business we're talking about. It should've never come to this. You can see I'm very passionate about this whole thing. I'm a Ga girl and honestly what she did is not the first time nor will be the last time that word ever gets used. That's just the fact "Jack" (to quote Si from Duck Dynasty).
ReplyDeleteAfter reading some of the other comments you received on this subject, I have to say that I'm proud to know that most people support Paula. I have to HIGHLY agree with Ginger (your first comment) too! She is right on the mark!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been a long time fan of Paula Deen, and find it distressing that, in my opinion, the media is having a field day with all this. Not to mention several of her sponsors not renewing her contracts. Shame on them! None of us is perfect! She has apologized, and her apology should be accepted.
ReplyDeleteHugs and prayers go out to Paula and her family.
What a sad commentary on the times we live in. The media and internet frienzy has been like sharks drawn to blood. "Were her tears real?" some even questioned after her Today Show interview. Not real enough! They were out for blood. God help us all and especially Paula.
ReplyDeletelove her!
ReplyDeleteI am from Savannah and my mom used to buy sandwiches from Paula's sons back when she was "The Bag Lady". I personally think the whole thing has been blown way out of proportion and I am frankly tired of hearing about it. There are so many other problems in this country that we should be concentrating on. (To be non-partisan I will not elaborate on what I think the issues are,heehee) If the person(s) that Paula called that word was/is offended, then they need to take it up privately. I can't remember if "how she used the word" was mentioned, just that she used it. I agree with everyone that thinks Paula should just lay low. I have to admit though....this makes me want to go eat at her restaurant every day and buy every cook book and pot or pan that I can find, but my waist line and pocket book can not handle it. :-) oh, and Ron, she missed out when she did not pick you as a blogger. **** Get over it and move on y'all*****
ReplyDeleteI love some Paula and feel she is truly sorry. BUT, she didn't only admit to using slurs, she admitted to asking her black waiters to act like slaves at a party. I mean, that's just a bit much. I just don't see how she can recover from that. I do believe she is sorry and I truly do forgive her, because we are all human and make mistakes. BUT I think her endorsements had no choice, once that last part came out. The food network would have been eaten alive. They didn't have a choice. So I agree wiht you, she needs to lay low for awhile and defintley come back bigger and better than ever. We are planning our first Savannah trip in August and we will def be going to her restaurant.
ReplyDeleteI love some Paula and feel she is truly sorry. BUT, she didn't only admit to using slurs, she admitted to asking her black waiters to act like slaves at a party. I mean, that's just a bit much. I just don't see how she can recover from that. I do believe she is sorry and I truly do forgive her, because we are all human and make mistakes. BUT I think her endorsements had no choice, once that last part came out. The food network would have been eaten alive. They didn't have a choice. So I agree wiht you, she needs to lay low for awhile and defintley come back bigger and better than ever. We are planning our first Savannah trip in August and we will def be going to her restaurant.
ReplyDeleteI'm a big fan of Miss Paula - and watch her all the time. I own her cookware and cookbooks and LOVE her and her family!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's terrible what has happened all because of a "word" she uttered 30 years ago (and maybe another time). Man, doesn't the media have anything more productive to do? Matt Lauer was a real "trip" when he finally did interview her yesterday? or whatever day it was. He just wouldn't let up. I've never thought too highly of people that jab at people who are down...and don't think too highly of him or all the other uppity-ups who are being so nasty to Miss Paula.
Yes, Miss Paula...lay low! And come back STRONGER THAN EVER!! We're all here for you!!
I really don't know enough about what happened to comment because I only saw clips from her videos. It seems celebrities are often sued by disgruntled former employees. I wish that a PR person had advised her to not respond like she did, or not to respond at all.
ReplyDeleteI still don't now what she did. I need to Google it, I guess. But I am a fan, and I hate that a mistake would end her career. It must have been something pretty horrific, though.
Slow news week. Leave Paula alone and move on.
ReplyDeleteRon, I love Paula too and I feel the media has blown this so out of proportion. She was wrong and has apologized..they should let it go. Paula has worked very hard and long for her success and shame on the sponsors for dropping her. She has a lot of fans and this is evidenced by her lasted book making #1 on the best seller list today. You go girl!
I am just sickened at the way the press has turned on her and made this into something much bigger than it ever needed to be. She apologized -so be it. I don't for a moment believe she is a racist-she is who she is and makes mistakes like all of us do. Who among us has never made a slur about someone- my husband is Polish and we have heard hundreds-no make that thousands- of Pollock jokes over the years...do we hate the tellers? No-Somewhere along the line we have become too sensitive in our own skins and over react to things that used to go unnoticed. I told one of the guys at work one day that he looked nice (he had a brightly colored tie on and usually wore drab colors). He was proud as punch and beamed all over. My supervisor responded that could be construed in the wrong way. OMG- Give me a break....okay...did I answer the question...was there a question..........what was it?;>) xo Diana
ReplyDeleteYears ago I used to watch Paula. I loved her kitchen. I really haven't watched any of the cooking shows for several years. It's funny right before this story blew up out of no where I said to my daughter it seemed like people were out to drag Paula D. down. There seems to be a pattern of building people way up then the same people go for the dirt to drag the person down. It's pretty sick. It's to the point you can predict who will be next. Lets face everyone could be made out to be evil if the media decides your next.
ReplyDeleteI agree with so many of your readers' comments. It is totally ridiculous the way the media has latched onto this! Well, I am dropping those sponsors who dropped Paula from MY buying list! She is a good person, and is not a racist in any way. She has done so much good for so many over the years..............without any advertising about it. And where was the media then?!? I guess that doesn't draw enough blood!
ReplyDeleteThis is totally ridiculous! Media bull. The media must be desperate..... bringing up something she might have said 30 years ago. The media networks are playing the race card. If you want to increase ratings.... just mention the word "race". It's funny how they pick out the people who are most popular..... getting the biggest bang for their buck. They are deliberately causing trouble and ruining a persons life.... all for ratings. Shame on them. They sell themselves to the devil every day and I for one.... am SICK of it!! I'm smart enough to know the deal. This to shall pass. I think the network and sponsors will be sorry in the long run! She is a main draw and we now less reasons to watch. "I" won't be watching at all. I don't need them anyway..... I have all of her books.
ReplyDeleteAn additional thought......... since when is it against the law or racist to have a themed party or wedding???? When making a period film..... aren't they guilty of the same thing?? When making a civil war film..... you hire black and white actors to play appropriate parts. The actors are being paid to act a certain way. Why isn't Paula suing them?? for deprivation of character. She should be the one demanding an apology.
ReplyDeleteMistakes in the past are in the past, but it is completely unacceptable to "continue to say 'the word.'"
ReplyDeleteLisa Jackson is another Linda Tripp.
ReplyDeleteWhat gets me about this whole thing is no one ever cancels shows because a black person called a white person a "cracker" or a "Honky"...talk about hypocritical.
ReplyDeleteAlso, to cancel her show...I'd like to see everyone in a position of power on THAT network take a polygraph to see how inspiring and spic and span they are....
I would have to agree with the majority here. I love Paula and since I am not perfect....I accept her apology and wish everyone would just move on.....I was just at Lady and Sons and Uncle Bubba's.....I'll go back in a heart beat and will continue supporting Paula because I love her recipes and her larger than life personality!