
Monday, June 24, 2013

For the Health of It…{Health Update 06.13}


What on Earth??? !!!


From this two weeks ago…


To this last week!


Last week, I finally checked into the hospital for a sleep test. Sleep studies are tests that record what happens to your body during sleep. The studies are done to find out what is causing your sleep problems.

I do not think that I have major sleep issues, but my doctor had scheduled the test way back when I was going through my heart rhythm problems. He wanted to make certain that my atrial fibrillation was not being caused by sleep apnea.

I checked into the Sleep Center at 7:30 PM last Tuesday night and was hooked up to a number of wires which were monitored by a nurse. After some paperwork and a short video, they started wiring me up. The whole process took about an hour an a half!

Let me tell you that it was not easy to fall asleep and stay asleep with all the wires connected to me. Also, the bed was no “heavenly bed”. If they require sleep, the hospitals should provide beds like a nice suite at the Westin. Aaaaaah!


I was awakened at 5:30 AM and unhooked promptly. The nurse tech said that she noticed no major issues during the night.The nurse tech did not have to apply a C-PAP machine to me during the night. My conclusive results should be ready next week.

As far as my health goes, as per my last appointment on June 4th, all is perfect. My heart is still in regular rhythm, my blood pressure was normal, and heart rate was in a good range.

Check out my earlier Health Updates:

January 20, 2013

February 19, 2013

February 20, 2013

April 12, 2013

I thank you again for the thoughts and prayers.

Sleep test, y’all!


  1. Glad to hear things went well, Ron. I don't know if I could fall asleep with all that stuff on me! Enjoy your week!

  2. I'm glad the test did not indicate any issues and glad you are staying in good health.

  3. I would have been awake all night! Glad to hear all is well! ~Delores

  4. I'm so glad that the test provided positive results! xoxo

  5. Back from vacation here, Ron, and checking in. Glad to hear you are okay-I knew all that cockiness was not being caused by lack of sleep! xo Diana

  6. Glad that the test was just to double check to make sure things were ok. I imagine it was more of an inconvenience than anything??
    Glad you're doing well.

  7. I know you are glad the test is over. Prayers that all results are good. Take care, friend. xoGinger


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