
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The FINAL Countdown…


Ok, teachers! You know how I feel. Right?


Today is May 1. May 1. May 1. I love the sound of May 1.

May brings the last month of school. Though hectic, May is one of my favorite months of any year. I am a teacher after all. You have to get that!


I will be doing my annual countdown soon. The chalkboard wall is ready… Are you?

Final countdown, y’all!


  1. I am an Assistant Principal and read your blog most mornings on early duty. I am soon ready for the countdown!

  2. I am looking forward to the end of school also. No homework, no preparing lunches in the lunch box, and no alarms for school...just the work alarm which is later if there is no school. Now I have a question for you that is totally unrelated to your post. Since you are living in NOLA, do you drink cold drip coffee? If so, please elaborate on it.... how do you brew it, do you drink it cold or heat it up after you brew it. I have suddenly become very curious about cold drip coffee and the "google" thing has not given me all the answers to my questions. Thanks in advance.

    1. I do not drink cold drip coffee. I have no idea what that is.

    2. OK thanks. I thought it was a New Orleans "thing" but maybe not. It is supposed to leave your coffee with less bitterness but that is all I can gather from research. I was hoping you had a great technique of brewing. Again thanks and I love your blog!!!!!

  3. If teachers here were more like you I would not have to home school!



  4. Hey Ron & J; Do you have any huge plans for the time that you will have off?
    Any thoughts on where you might travel?
    I am just wondering what you are gonna do besides relax while you are off! :-)

    1. Getting to the beach as often as we can!

  5. Ron - As a former teacher, I can definitely relate to this post. I say, "Yay for May!"

  6. So whatever happened with your Science Olympiad competition? Did you have the State contests yet?

    1. We did not win but a few teams placed! Overall= happy!!!!

  7. Sorry I'm so late commenting on this post. I know how you feel, Ron. I used to put the countdown on my chalkboard in my classroom. I don't miss those days. For me, everyday is a vacation day! ;)


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