Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Your valued opinion is needed (again!)


Now that I’ve added more green into the den lately (the drapes, the botanicals, the tortoise glass plates), I need your opinion on the cane accent chair.


The fabric I have on the seat now is a red and tan cane style fabric. I need your honest opinion. Do you think that this should be changed to a fabric with green in it?


I would hate to give up all the reds in the room because I find the warmth of the color red to be so inviting.


Please comment below and let me know your thoughts.

Decisions! Decisions!

Speaking of decisions, I made one recently with your help. I decided to choose the white urn for the boxwood orb on the secretary. Remember? You helped HERE. Thanks so much for all your comments. I love and respect each one.

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A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday

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No Minimalist Here for Open House Thursday

Opinions needed, y’all!


  1. Don't change the fabric (I love the pattern, by the way)--I think that pop of red in the fabric creates a perfect contrast to the new greens in the room. Digging that burlap pillow with the crabs, by the way. Have a wonderful day! xoxo

  2. I would change the fabric to a neutral, maybe a brown geometric or ikat. Then as you change out, it will always go with your color and look classic.

  3. Keep the red. I agree that red adds warmth. My home is fairly neutral, but I like to use a touch of red in most rooms of my home. And you sure won't be sorry at Christmastime that you left a bit of red. Your home is beautiful and I love your blog.

  4. I say "Keep the RED". You don't want everything too matchy/matchy. What makes your house so beautiful is the addition of a new thing here and a new thing there. Your house DOES NOT look the catalog for Restoration Hardware, nor should it. It is unique, and that pop of red is unique, also.

  5. If I'm seeing your picture right,you have red in the pillows on the sofa. If that's so, then you could keep the red in your chair. You just need to have it somewhere else in the room otherwise it looks out of place. Do you know what I mean? Red goes well with green.

  6. I like the red. It's a perfect foil to the green!

  7. Keep the red and maybe add a pillow on that chair with more green predominately! (although I love the pillow there now...just move it to another great spot in your beautiful home!) LOVE your wonderful blog and read it each day!

  8. Your place is wonderful! Keep that gorgeous red!

  9. I vote to keep it. Ther is enough red accents to tie it in.

  10. I live the red. There is enough red scattered around to tie it in. Lovely! And the drapes are great.

  11. I'm for keeping the red! Green and red go beautifully together, and you've got a lot of green in the room w/ the drapes and the recent changes. You don't want it to be too "matchy-matchy". I like the complimentary colors and contrasting patterns; they work together nicely. Reminds me of that old southern saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." :)

  12. Keep the red. Maybe you could recover it (in red) if you're just tired of the pattern? I DO know that I am wanting me a crab pillow like yours!

  13. I love the red, it's a great accent to the room. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Your room is stunning. Hugs, Marty

  14. I agree, Ron! I love the red!!! It is a nice contrast and adds warmth.

  15. Keep the red chair, it adds a necessary pop of color alongside the neutral sofa.

  16. Love the red chair and the cute crab pillow. I'd keep the red chair, and maybe change the crab pillow for one that's more neutral or one that is one of the colors in the sofa pillows...a softer blue or green? At any rate...keep the red chair. :)

  17. leave it to me to be the odd vote in the group! I believe that if you had the chair recovered in green (maybe even in fern , lol!) it would visually draw your eye from the height of your drapes. Maybe move pillow (temporarily) and find another gorgeous coral pillow that has your green in it. This green you have incorporated in your house will make your Mardi Gras home dazzling! Can't wait to see it come February! L-o-v-e your home and blog!

  18. I LOVE your new green drapes and botanicals. Stunning! I too like the spot of red and would keep it -- however, I am forever changing things in my home ... so perhaps change out the seat in a green or blue fabric, then put the red back on for fall and winter. ox, Marilyn from Mt. Vernon, VA

  19. Red it is! I is the perfect contrast. xoGinger

  20. Keep that gorgeous red! I love the pop of color and that fabric looks great with the other fabrics in the room. LOVE your new drapes...fabulous!!

  21. Thanks for the comments. RED, it is!!!

  22. RED!!! The chair is perfect as is. It adds just the right pop of color. You don't want too much green.

  23. Ron...how about blue -- royal? -- it would go beautifully with the crab pillow. For summer...how cool and refreshing. Marilyn (again)

  24. I like the red, but I want that crab pillow! Too fabulous!!

  25. Hi Ron!

    I'm late to join the party, but I say YES to the red too!
    I like the warmth the red brings
    to the palette. I also have noticed in my home
    that Christmas is always easier to incorporate
    into a room when the red is already there! :)

    Your home is so lovely!

  26. Leave it the way it is, don't change a thing

  27. Good Morning Ron, I have missed the boat....but I would say keep the red material on the cane chair and change the cushion. The cushion is lovely, but I do not think it does the beautiful cane chair justice.
    Reading your comment....I'm glad you kept the red.
    Best Wishes

  28. Ron, Keep the red! The fabric looks wonderful with the other touches of red in the room.


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