
Friday, February 1, 2013

Pretty Purple Petunias & Pansies {A Winter’s Garden}


Alliteration much?

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After Christmas, I planted a vast array of purple petunias and pansies. Why purple? Well, I was anticipating Mardi Gras. Throughout the last month, my petunias and pansies have taken off and grown so beautifully.


Each cast iron urn on the porch features a border of aztec grass and majestic purple petunias in the center. A crown was placed in each urn also (more later).

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Cast iron pots on the porch and on the brick steps are also filled with petunias and pansies.

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The front garden also features a lot of white petunias, but the purple pansies certainly POP.

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The purple flowers go so well with the majestic colors of the Mardi Gras season.

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The Polohouse- Favorites on the First

Purple petunias & pansies, y’all!!!


  1. Petunias are so cheerful and I am loving the crown!

  2. They look beautiful Ron! I can't wait to plant flowers in the Spring. Love the crown!!

  3. Those petunias and pansies are a perfect accent to your Mardi Gras decorations--just the right touch! I have purple petunias planted (alliteration much! ;) in my front beds, too! Have a SUPER weekend! :)

  4. I love how pretty those look. Must be decent weather where you live right now. It's freezing here! I don't think any flowers would survive right now. I adore the crown candle holders you added! I'd like to have a crown like them inside my house. I know where I can buy one, but it's a bit pricey! I keep putting off ordering it. Have fun this weekend. I know you've been waiting for this weekend a long time.

  5. Possibly the prettiest purple pansies on the planet. :)..I like the Aztec grass, too.

  6. It looks great! LOVE LOVE LOVE the crowns!!!

  7. It looks great! LOVE LOVE LOVE the crowns!!!

  8. LOVE the crown! The pansies and petunias are beautiful and I am jealous that you can have flowersin winter:) Ca over from Alison's. Pinky

  9. Ron, they are lovely! My pansies didn't make it this fall, but my cyclamen look good. Love the rich purple and the crown in that urn is fab! '-)

  10. Wow! Mardi Gras and the Super Bowl in Louisiana at practically the same time. I love your use of alliteration...I used it also for my blog post title for "Favorites On the First" which, by the way, is where I saw your post. Are the crowns for "King Rex" of Mardi Gras? They are just beautiful. Those purple pansies are so rich in color that they look like velvet. Have a great weekend, Ron!

  11. They look gorgeous! It will be many months before we can put flowers outside in our area. It is freezing in NJ right now! I hoping for some good news from that groundhog tomorrow! Have a nice weekend!

  12. Gorgeous purple! Wish I had a green thumb!

  13. Your petunias are so pretty with their purple colors. They are so colorful and beautiful to look at. I sure can't put any flowers outside right now, it's way too cold.

  14. I just don't have a green thumb and struggle a bit outside with containers. So I am very impressed with your beautiful examples. Very nice job.

  15. You are so fortunate, Ron! To have warm weather and to be able to plant these glorious purple flowers in January! I need to move south. :)

    Love your iron urns. They look fantastic and that little crown is darling!

    (Sorry I did not get over here sooner to comment.
    Have been on college visits for five days and could
    not access comment boxes from my cell phone!)

    Thanks so much for linking up with FotF, Ron!
    We all love to see what you are up to. Always something beautiful.


  16. Nothing like that would last in my climate. I love the pop purple! It is perfect for Mardi Gras and that crown is the perfect touch!

    I'd love to have you link to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. I just stopped by for a visit from The Polohouse. Your photo's of the purple flowers are lovely.

  18. Love the pansy containers. Lots of K & B purple in this post....I love it!

    Linking from The Polo House,
    Ricki Jill


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