
Sunday, February 17, 2013

For the Birds… Audubon’s, that is!


I have always adored Audubon prints and have several in my home.

Brown Pelican {Master Bedroom}

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Blue Heron {Stair Parlor}


Smaller Prints {in Master & Guest Bedrooms}

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I was really happy to be gifted a couple Barnes & Noble gift cards at Christmas time by a couple of my students. I quickly ordered the book, Audubon’s Aviary online. I had seen the book at several of my favorite shops in excess of $80.00. Barnes & Noble offered the book for $52.00 and with $40.00 in gift cards, the book costs me about $12.00 + tax (Free shipping). Score!

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“This important new volume presents all the dazzling watercolors that Audubon painted for these monumental engravings. Audubon’s Aviary illuminates the original masterpieces that were created by Audubon himself and tells the story behind their creation with fresh insights and engaging quotes from his writings. These powerful paintings—all newly photographed using state-of-the-art techniques—possess a startling immediacy, vibrancy, and fluidity that link natural history, art, and a respect for the environment. These watercolors transmit Audubon’s devotion to his craft with their inscriptions and layers of media wrought with a miniaturist’s attention to detail and their revolutionary compositions, which for the first time in history depicted all the birds life-size. Audubon is considered America’s first great watercolorist, introducing innovative approaches developed over a lifetime of study. Even judged alongside today’s technology, his dramatic tableaux remain some of the most spectacular natural history documents and visually arresting works of art ever produced.”

Take a look at the stunning photographs inside the book. The pictures are gorgeous.

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My copy is the perfect coffee table book and sits alongside my other two faves, Cabinet of Natural Curiosities & Ralph Lauren.

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To order the book, click HERE.

Audubon’s Aviary, y’all!


  1. Ron-You have hit on one of my favorites. I have loved Audubon bird prints since I was little. My parents had a book of their prints and I would look at those pages for hours. I think they had like a fine waxy paper between the prints to keep them pure. I wish I had that book now.

    What a great gift to give yourself! I love it-okay-AND I want it!;>) xo Diana

  2. I, too, love Audubon! The Audubon Pilgrimage is coming up in a couple of weeks in St. Francisville,LA, and I'm so excited....I can't wait! I plan on treating myself to a large print to go over my sofa! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a perfect book for you, Ron! I know you will treasure it for years to come. Have a great day! :)

  4. I love those pictures. They fit in your home perfectly. I think if I lived on the coast I would have those pictures too. Love your new book too! That will look nice sitting out as well.

  5. All your mantels are equally stunning! I was looking forward to seeing your St. Pat's and Easter designs.

  6. Perfect book for your coffee table, Ron. I've long admired Audubon's prints too, though we don't have any in our home. My SIL does, so get to admire her pieces. Have a great Sunday.

  7. ADORE Audubon prints, and I also have several. My most prized is what I call the 'rats and the cheese', one of the quadrapeds (octavo size) with the blue and white ginger jar. It was expensive when I bought it but it looks like, so far, it was a good investment! Thank you for sharing yours!
    I may just have to copy YOUR post using my own pictures (I'm out of ideas currently)!

  8. And I forgot to ask: from which editions are your prints?

  9. We just discovered two in our attic! No telling how long they've been up there. They were my Dads, we bought the house from him. Anywho, hurricane gustav but a massive tree down on the house and a ton of damage to the attic area. They are in pretty bad shape. Hoping they can be salvaged! What a find!

  10. Ron, these are great! Perfect for any Louisiana home!!

  11. Ron, I have admired your Audubon prints when you posted pictures of some of your rooms. The book is perfect for you.
    Best, Sherry

  12. Gorgeous Audubon prints, they look amazing in any frame, wood to the lovely mirror frames you have. Great book, thanks for sharing!


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