
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fit for a King (or Queen) {Mardi Gras 2013}


A number of you commented yesterday that you liked/loved the crowns that were placed in my cast iron urns on the front porch.



Short story…

I first spotted these at Little Miss Muffin in Lakeview a while back and thought they would be perfect in the urns, but at $44.00 a piece I passed. I kept thinking of them every time I’d pass in front of Little Miss Muffin on my trips to get lunch at NOLA Beans or Lakeview Grocery (sushi).

One day upon driving home I saw the same crowns in a couple pots of a neighborhood friend. They looked so festive.


Well? They looked so good on Cadiz Street that I just had to have two of the crowns for my urns. Want. Need. I still know NO difference. LOL! I hurried to Little Miss Muffin and snatched up two of these lovely crowns.

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I added two candles in each that will set the glow for those parade evenings to guide the many guests (wanted and unwanted) to the door. I even added some of my fave festive ribbon.

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I am glad you like them as I do too!

a CROWNing touch, y’all!


  1. Hello dear beautiful your blog .. I'm your new follower. .AND YOU FOLLOW ME? Thank youvery much, waiting you in my blog kissessss <3

  2. Thanks for sharing your source! Must try to find some in BR!

  3. I do love them! I should've known they were expensive because the one I saw online without a stake was. It was even more than yours! I'm sure you will get lots of use out of yours and they certainly are unique. Sometimes, things are expensive, but money well spent!

  4. I thought want and need were synonyms too! LOL!
    Now I need those too!
    Always happy when I visit here!



  5. Your crowns are really the perfect touch in the urns. It's especially nice that they can hold a candle. I know about want and need. LOL Somehow, I have trouble remembering the difference between the two.

  6. The perfect touch! I hope they don't "go for a walk!"

  7. They are definitely the perfect touch--you will get your money's worth out of them through the years. Love 'em! ;)

  8. Sometimes it's good to splurge! Especially if you see it and can't stop thinking about it and when you go back for it ~~ it's still there waiting for you!! I hope I come across some crowns like these. I have a couple of flower pots at my front door that could use some Mardi Gras Crowns!! Thanks for the info of where you purchased them!

  9. Sometimes it's good to splurge! Especially if you see it and can't stop thinking about it and when you go back for it ~~ it's still there waiting for you!! I hope I come across some crowns like these. I have a couple of flower pots at my front door that could use some Mardi Gras Crowns!! Thanks for the info of where you purchased them!


Thanks for reading and commenting @ The Uptown Acorn! I love hearing from you. Cheers, y'all!