
Friday, January 4, 2013

The Flu


The dreaded flu has made its way to Perrier Street. For the past three days, I have been going stir crazy laying down, experiencing hot sweats and cold flashes, and coughing nonstop.

These have been my “friends” for a couple days.


I was supposed to return to work today but could not even get out of bed. I’ll also be staying home tomorrow. When I called my doctor to schedule an appointment, her first available appointment is for January 16. The flu is making its rounds around here. I will be seeing another doctor tomorrow morning, so I hope he can prescribe something that will work fast.


I was told to get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. I certainly have been doing both.

The last time I had the flu this bad was when I was a high school senior. And I hope it stays away for a long time to come.


The dreaded flu, y’all!


  1. OMG! I sure hope you get to feeling better, Ron! <3

  2. Awww...hope you feel better soon, Ron! Hugs, Meghan

  3. Oh no! Feel better soon! I have been struck with the same thing, but am hopefully on the tail end of it. Kind of puts a damper on our ski time :(
    Feel better!!

  4. Sorry to hear u have the flu... So many people have it. Take care of yourself...Jan Dupont

  5. Oh, you poor thing! I heard that the flu is going around all of a sudden. Make some chicken soup and rest! I also heard that you should mix some raw honey with cinnamon and either put it in tea or have it on a spoon. I hope you feel better soon!

  6. I've heard that the flu is awful this year. Hitting early and hitting hard! I'm staying in as much as possible, resting and drinking juice! Hope you feel better soon!
    Gentle Hugs,

  7. Ron, I hope you feel better soon! This is supposedly the worst flu season ever! Hopefully, you can get some great meds from the doctor! Take care!

  8. Yuck! Bless your heart! Hope you're better soon!

  9. Oh dear Ron, you really are poorly. There is a nasty flu virus "doing the rounds" here in England as well. Take care of yourself and keep taking your medication. I hope you are better soon. Best Wishes Daphne

  10. Oh how horrid-I hope you feel better soon.

  11. So sorry to hear you have the flu Ron! Rest up and feel better soon!

  12. I hope you are feeling better, Ron. I haven't had the flu in a really long time, and so far, I guess my flu shot is working. Take care, my friend! <3

  13. Please get well very soon! I've known several family members and friends that are experiencing it too. They say it's a rough flu. Take care. ~Amy

  14. Ron, So sorry to hear you have the flu. Hope the doctor can prescribe something to help you feel better.
    Take care and get well soon,

  15. Oh-Ron- I am so sorry you are sick. It has been making its rounds here, too. I NEVER get sick and I got that nasty cough thing going around and it has hung on for weeks. Take good care and get lots of rest- xo Diana

  16. Bless your heart, Ron! Hope you feel better soon! Get lots of rest!!

    (My mom, brother & I are really enjoying your blog!! We came by way of Southern Savvy. Your taste is impeccable! LOVE your house! It's gorgeous!)

  17. Bless your heart. Hope you're feeling better soon. Just had a flu vaccine on Thursday.

  18. I hope you are feeling better! We had bad colds at Christmastime. Not the flu though, that's tough.

  19. So sorry to hear that the flu is really being cruel to you. Feel better really soon!!!

  20. Oh Ron! I just read on Amanda's blog that you have gone and gotten yourself stuck in the ICU!!!!! Feel better soon! Prayers coming south to you.

  21. I enjoy your blog and saw on Dixie Delights you are suffering. Sending up a prayer that you will soon improve.

  22. Just read an update on Amanda's blog. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Get well soon!

  23. Ron,
    Heard from Dixie Delights that you are very sick! Please get better soon! Sending prayers your way

    Rachel from Pensacola

  24. Ron, I hope you are feeling better. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

  25. Ron, I am so sorry you feel so bad. I just read
    if you rub Vicks Vapor Rub on the bottom of your feet your cough will stop within 15 minutes. I haven't tried this but it is worth a shot. Feel better soon! xx, Sherry

  26. I am sorry to hear your flu has landed you in the hospital. (via Amanda ). Prayers for a speedy recovery.

  27. Ron,

    I saw on Amanda's blog that you were still having trouble with the flu! Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I'm praying for you! I live in Mandeville, so I am thrilled I found your amazing blog a few weeks ago. I hope you are feeling better very soon and can return to your daily routine. ~Katie

  28. Hope you are better soon! Prayers from Pensacola

  29. Sorry to hear to are ill.. I was told that the doctors or chemist who designed this flu vaccine guessed wrong and does not cover this year's flu that is going around. Get better soon.


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