
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thanks for your Prayers {My Unexpected ICU Stay}


I never expected 2013 to start like this.


It all started on Friday of last week when I visited my doctor to be swabbed for the flu. Upon his examination, the doctor noticed that my heart was beating irregularly, and he quickly ordered an EKG. He did not like what he saw (my heart was beating 170 bpm), and I was immediately whisked away by wheelchair to the hospital’s ER. I was scared to death. I did not even have time to think about it as it all happened so fast. I simply thought I was going in for the flu and would be prescribed tamiflu, and I’d be out the door. No Luck!

While in the ER, my heart was monitored and meds were given to lower my heart rate. The meds only seemed to last for a short while. The meds were unable to lower my heart rate or bring my heart out of atrial fibillation (A Fib).


I was then whisked by bed to the ICU where it seemed like I waited forever to see a cardiologist. I stayed in ICU on Friday night after the cardiologist briefed us on his thoughts. Tests were ordered for Saturday afternoon.


The cardiologist determined that my heart was somewhat weakened due to atrial fibillation. He ordered a TEE, a scope procedure to look for any clots in the heart, The TEE checked out fine and no clots were discovered, so a cardioversion (shock of the heart) was performed to get the heart back to a normal rate. After two shocks (of which I have no memory because I was given propofol, that Michael Jackson stuff) my heart rate and rhythm did return to normal.

I again stayed overnight in ICU and was visited by family.

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Another night of waking up every two hours being checked by the nurse in ICU is never fun, but I was thankful to be in good hands.

One month of no alcohol, new meds, and a better diet are in store. You know, I am ready to make it through this. 2013 can only get better.

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, prayers, emails, and phone calls. I appreciate you all. Keep the prayers coming!

I am finally home. I am still trying to rest and recover from the flu which sent me to the doctor in the first place. The doctor hopes that I will get back to school Wednesday. I hope so too.

Who knew that the flu would turn into such a discovery, but I am glad I listened to my body?

ICU & you see me, y’all!


  1. What an experience! But, you know, the flu led to the discovery of a real problem so that's a good thing. You will be up and about in no time! You have been missed and there have been tons of prayers and good thoughts sent your way. I hope that you will rest and allow your body to heal.


  2. Oh wow! Bless your heart! I am glad you went to the doctor when you did and that they were able to figure out what's going on! Prayers!

  3. Glad you are home!! Call me when you feel up to it. xo

  4. How scary!! So glad to hear you are on the road to recovery and are home! Continue to feel better, and I hope you get back to school on Wednesday too. xo

  5. Oh so sorry to hear about this Ron! Get well soon! Prayers are with you.

  6. What a scare! I am happy to hear that you are home and resting. Thoughts and prayers....

  7. Glad you are home and ready to tackle and overcome this new challenge---do what the doctor says!

  8. Goodness, Ron! What a way to start the new year!! I pray that you are 100% really soon. Take care of yourself!!!

  9. I am so happy to hear you are back home! Best wishes for a speedy recovery! 2013 can only get better from here!

  10. What a scarey way to start the New Year!! Glad to hear your home, rest up and take care of yourself! Keeping you in my prayers Ron.

  11. Oh- Ron- I am so sorry this happened to you. The last few years of my career were working in a big hospital. #3 in the nation for Cardiac care. God bless you- the heart is a scary thing to have problems with. It is the core of your being. I am SOO SOOO SOOOO glad that you went in when you did. Your heart rate was outrageous! I am praying for you- Take care and No More Cocktails for a while. We want you around for a LONG time- xo Diana

  12. Ohmygoodness!! What a scare. Listening to your body is a MUST! We had 2 similar scares summer 2012. A cardio scare (the Mr. in June) and a low (crash level low , they were using words like organ failure etc)hemoglobin level for me. Months os care for the both of us. This Holiday Season was a joyous on on many levels.
    Glad you are home. Prayers are going your way Ron.
    Take care of you. 2013 is on an upward swing now!
    Cheers, Gee

  13. So glad you are doing better!

  14. Take care of yourself!!! My hubs had the same thing! It's scary for sure.

  15. Glad to know that you are back home and hopefully on the road to recovery. Not a good way to start the year. Take care and get well soon.........Sarah

  16. So glad to hear you are mending! Take care!

  17. Ron,
    so lucky you went to the Dr's when you did! This heart stuff is a scary thing! So glad you're doing well and now know what you need to do to stay healthy! Nov. 9th I was very lucky also, after not taking some symptons seriously, I made it to the hospital just in the knick of time before having a major heart attack. From someone who is never sick, it was quite a shock! (I wrote about it, heart of the matter) Things are going well but I will find out thursday if I need a pacemaker, another shock! I feel fine and the Dr. said I should be fine as long as I do what I'm supposed too, similar to you. Looking forward to a happy and fun 2013!
    take care of yourself

  18. Ron I am so glad you are doing better! Being home is good and you must rest and take care of yourself. My cousin went to the Dr for a cough and ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks with A Fib! She is doing better but not over it yet. So a big hug and prayers for your continued improvement!

    hugs, Linda

  19. Happy to hear good news about your health! Awesome that they found your heart problem even before it gave you much more serious signs. Take care of yourself and rest up....Mardi Gras is almost upon us! :)

  20. So glad you are back home and feeling better! I saw on Amanda'a blog that you were in ICU and have been praying for you. Take it easy, going back to school on Wed. may just be too soon...I'm a nurse and think you should just take off the whole week to rest ;) Keep us updated!

  21. Hey Ron; My Thoughts and Prayers are with you and all of your Family at this time. I hope that you will continue to feel better, and to get back to your old self very soon.
    Hopefully, 2013 will be Wonderful for you and J.
    Please get well soon, as I look forward to and Love your Blog!!!

  22. :-( but glad that you are out sooo :-)
    Feel better and wishing you well from Dallas

  23. I am so glad that you are home and on the mend! I was so worried about you. Prayers are still ongoing for your full recovery, Ron. Take care of yourself and rest up! <3

  24. Sending prayers your way. Hope you're on the road to recovery. Bless your heart, literally.

  25. Sending lots of prayers and get well soon wishes your way!! Feel better soon!!!

  26. Hi Ron! A month without fun cocktails and a following a good diet? Yikes, no fun! That would not make me happy! All kidding aside, I am so thankful that you went in for the flu and the doctor found this irregular heartbeat! Prayers that you are on the road to recovery! Hugs, Meghan

  27. Ron, I am so sorry you've been sick!!! I don't like the serious side...Feel better so we can see that smile!!! Lots of get well wishes and prayers!

  28. So sorry!! Hope all is well soon!!!

  29. I have serious doubts about a month without alcohol and changing your eating habits, but I'm pulling for you. Like the little train, you can do it.


  30. Ron,
    Glad to hear you are recovering and at home (a better place to recover). My husband has/had afib. He tried meds to regulate but they didn't work. He too had the cardioversion (shock) a couple of them, but ultimately had a cardioablation (burn). The first time it didn't work, but the second was the charm and it will be a year this Jan 26th and he is still in rhythm. We expect the 2nd burn may be necessary.

    His goal was to get off meds, particularly coumdin. He is off the meds and happily coumdin, taking an asprin a day. He feels great, more energy and enjoys his beer and wine daily!! His coffee is now decaf, but that was not a problem.

    Once we found out he had afib, we were surprise how many people we know have this. Do your homework and pay attention to your body.

    Best wishes to you for good health in 2013. You gotta stay healthly, cuz I love love your blog.
    God Bless,

  31. Ron, how many people do you know that can call having the flu a blessing in disguise? You're my only one so far ;o). Keep your chin up and your elbow down!

  32. How many people do you know that can call the flu a blessing in disguise? You're my only one so far :O) Keep your chin up and your elbow down and party on- q u i e t l y.

  33. Ron....prayers heading your way......take care!

  34. Geez, what a way to start the year but SO glad they found the problem. My BIL has A Fib also and has had MANY conversions. Take GOOD care of yourself!!! Hope the flu is GONE soon. Pinky

  35. Ron that is crazy. I hope you get well soon and things return to normal. You are in my prayers.

  36. Ron, Thank God you listened to your body. Twelve years ago I listened to mine (as you probably remember)and had a heart attack in the ER. If you are willing to listen, your body will talk to you. Take care, my friend.....Neil

  37. Happy New Year! Well, lets hope the rest of 2013 is much better for you. Glad to see that your treatment and meds are working. Know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers.

    Btw, the next time you want a vacation ... just go to the Beach! LOL

  38. Wow! What an unexpected turn of events for you! I'm glad you were right where you were suppose to be for such a discovery. I'm glad all went well for you. None the less...very scary! ~Amy

  39. I'm a new follower, but so happy that the worst is over for you! Here's to a speedy recovery!


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