
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mayas on Magazine {Restaurant}


Last week, J, BFF Randy, and I met for dinner at an establishment that J & I had long wanted to try, Mayas (Nuevo Latino). It is in the same block on Magazine Street as The Shops at 2011.


Mayas is a Latin American restaurant in the Lower Garden District serving Latin American, Cuban, and Caribbean dishes.


The atmosphere of the restaurant is warm and welcoming.


We started off with three cocktails--- a glass of red wine for J, a blackberry mojito for Randy, and a Patron margarita for me.


For an appetizer, we noshed on an amazing trio of guacamole--- pineapple guac, crab guac, and blue cheese guac. Each of them were delicious. They were accompanied by the most creative chips. The presentation was spot on.


For our main courses, we each had a different yet delicious meal.

J. enjoyed the Chicken Tropical - Grilled marinated chicken breast topped with a mango salsa and mango jalapeño sauce served over ranchero black beans and rice with sweet plantains. I like the M on the plate.


Randy enjoyed the Jamaican Scallops - Scallops sautéed in fresh pineapple juice, jalapeños, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, and piri piri sauce served over rice.


I dined on one of the most delicious fish dishes I have ever tried, the Tropical Fish - Grilled tilapia topped with a sweet mango salsa and mango jalapeño sauce
served over ranchero black beans and rice with sweet plantains.


The food, atmosphere, and service were all stellar. I will definitely be going back to Mayas really soon. I think this Magazine Street restaurant deserves a visit by you also. I really enjoyed the company and the food. Yum!

Mayas is located at 2027 Magazine Street. Dinner is served Tuesday- Thursday from 5:30 –10:00 PM and Friday-Saturday 4:00-11:00 PM. They are also open for lunch.

Check out more of their menu by clicking HERE.

Mayas facebook page: click HERE.

Health Update

I went to my new cardiologist at Ochsner (Main Campus) today. I really liked his demeanor and communication skills.

I had another EKG before seeing the doctor. I am still in A-Fib, but I figured as much.

The doctor studied all my former reports and was ready with possible scenarios.

I have been prescribed a medication for the A-Fib. He wants to see if the medication will help or solve my A-Fib issue. He also has ordered a Sleep Test and a Stress Test. Both appointments are coming up soon.

He has also referred me to a Heart Specialist who I will see in about one month.

So we do not know a whole lot more, but I do know that I was very impressed with today’s doctor. I feel very well informed of all possibilities--- good and bad.

Mayas, y’all!


  1. Looks like another restaurant to put on my Pintrest restaurant board! So glad that you like your new cardiologist--a good doctor/patient relationship is so very important when your health is at stake. Take care of yourself, Ron. Have a great day! <3

  2. Thanks for the restaurant tip. What about ablasion surgery. Sp? My hubbie had a-fib and didn't want to take medicine all his life. So, he opted for the surgery. Has not had a problem since.

    1. Ablasion surgery is an option in the future, Lori. Thanks!

  3. The restaurant sounds fabulous.

    I am glad that you now have a physician that you are comfortable with.

  4. Love Maya's! They give a military discount! Our Military Officers' Wives Club will celebrate Lunch With the Queen there in March.

    Glad the new doc is a good fit -- that makes such a difference. And, good luck with the stress test -- not among my favorite activities.

  5. Your blog just makes me happy. So cheerful, fun, entertaining, and informative. Just wanted you to know. ;) Take care, C

  6. Ron,
    I 'found' your blog via the Dixie Delights blog. I just wish I was you and J's neighbor! Your blog is a such joy to read and I look forward to each entry. Your pictures and descriptions make me long for NOLA. I'm thinking good thoughts for your improved health.

  7. Ron,
    I discovered your blog via the Dixie Delights blog. Your blog is full of all things lovely! Your photos and descriptions make me long for NOLA! I wish I was your and J's neighbor! We seem to love all of the same fine things in life! I'll keep sending positive thoughts your way towards improved health.

  8. Oh I am heading to New Orleans next month for the rock and roll marathon. I am putting this on my to do list ! So excited!

  9. Honestly, Ron, you ought to start getting some subscription advertisers for your blog- you do a great job critiquing and showcasing restaurants and bars and businesses. I mean when I read your description of those places I want to GO there! xo Diana

  10. Hey Ron; All of the pictures look Great! How I Love good Hispanic foods! This place looks and sounds Wonderful.
    I am so glad that you got a new Dr. I am hopeful for you that things will be much better now.
    Best Wishes and Prayers for you, J and All of your Family. Get better Ron!!!
    I think that I speak for Everyone that receives your Blog, as We all Love your Blog so much!!!


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