
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thankful for…


I am a product of a family who likes a cocktail or three. Moderation is always key (LOL). A cocktail is part of the Southern way of life, right?

drink cup

I could not stop chuckling when I found these cups and cocktail napkins at Whimsy on Magazine St. recently. I bought them and will be bringing them to mom’s for our annual Thanksgiving Family Feast.


I am thankful for the usual things: family, friends, good health, good job, etc.

But I am also thankful for a family that drinks and are fun!

Remember, moderation is key and never drink and drive.



Don’t forget to check out and comment on my Deen Team “audition”.

Thankful for…, y’all!


  1. I am now on a hunt for those napkins. Love them!

  2. LOL- I am not a good drinker! One glass of wine just about puts me under the table-I have a LOW tolerance. Every once in a while I will have a Bailey's Irish Cream though.

    Love those napkins and funny.

    BTW-My sister in law put out a plea today for how to fix the NO REPLY on her comments that she leaves. If someone responds I will forward it...or you can check yourself. Her blog is on my sidebar and is CATASTROPHY. Here's the link.

    Have a great weekend, Ron! xo Diana

  3. Lol..hubby is a good drinker, walks in a place in his quiet way and leaves in the same manner..he's got a great head, always, for 37 years, hehehehe... Hey sweet Ron; are you still having problems reaching my posts? Hope I see you there sometime. Big hugs,

  4. can you say STOCKING STUFFERS for me!!!!! yeah baybay!

  5. Love cute! Have a great weekend :o)

  6. And I am thankful for the wonderful people like you who check in to see how the New Jersey people are doing! - So cheers to you! I saw a great little wine gift holder when I was in Charleston last week which read, "Maybe it's the wine talking, but I just love wine!". I have been cracking up over that ever since. So once again cheers to you and all you wonderful New Orleans people! - Shelley

  7. What fun cups and napkins! I'll bet everyone will get a kick out of them. I love cocktail napkins with fun sayings.

  8. Just saw this one this morning! Those are priceless! I'm thankful also for a family that drinks! Have a great Sunday! :)

  9. Save one of those cups for me.......I just might have to stop by and get a drink....I was once part of your "work family"


Thanks for reading and commenting @ The Uptown Acorn! I love hearing from you. Cheers, y'all!