
Saturday, November 17, 2012

How does your garden grow? {Fall/Winter edition}


Now that the temperatures are finally cooler here in New Orleans, the petunias have been planted in the front garden.


I love a mass of one type of plant/flower, and petunias grow really well in Southern Louisiana winters.


White is my color of choice. White goes with everything. The white flowers of the petunia is very cool to the eye. How did ONE pink one get in there? Oh well, I will leave it (poor fellow).


I think they look great in the garden.


Today, I know need to plant two flats of pansies in pots in the courtyard.


I am also starting to decorate for Christmas (inside). Many more pics to come in the upcoming weeks.


White petunias, y’all!


  1. I have petunias--white and purple--planted in my front beds, too. I so love pansies, too! Can't wait to see your Christmas blogs! Have a great weekend! <3

  2. I planted all white pansies one winter in hopes that they'd look like snow. LOL..they didn't. Maybe if I'd planted more of them. Your white petunias look really good with the purple heart secretia I'll have to try that combo in the Spring.

  3. I think it gets too cold here for petunia's in the winter. I wish I could have them. They look beautiful. I love the white color you chose for this time of year too! Looking forward to seeing your Chrismtas decor. It's always so pretty.

  4. This Virginia gal is Jealous of your winter petunias! Hope you do leave the pink one; not sure how that happens, but it happens to me, too. I just planted 8 pots of red pansies on one side of my front porch, and I'll plant 8 more on the other side tomorrow. Hope to keep the deer away this year.

    Love, love, love your blog! Found you through Dixie Delights; isn't she wonderful?

    Blogless Peggy, someone has to just enjoy the blog world you all work so hard to create!

  5. In my early gardening days I didn't have an appreciation for white flowers. I thought I always wanted color. I have grown older and wiser now. White flowers pop against the landscape, feel cool and comforting on humid days and show off well for night time entertaining. Yours will be so pretty.

  6. I love the white double petunias, too, and that is what I plant as my low flower in my window boxes and urns. Beautiful, Ron- xo Diana

  7. Hey Ron!!! I know you've dug up that one pink petunia by now! Hahahahaha!!!



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