
Friday, November 23, 2012

Gobbled, Gobbled… {My Thanksgiving 2012}


I hope that you and yours “passed” a Happy Thanksgiving Day.

J and I spent our Thanksgiving Day on the bayou in my hometown of Thibodaux with our family.

Bloody Mary’s started our day (of course). Everyone loved the styrofoam cups and napkins, “I am thankful for a family that drinks” and “Gobble till you wobble.”


After our delicious feast of your traditional fare and some less traditional (shrimp, corn, and crab chowder), our photo shoot took place.

This year we decided to take the photos in the pasture on Honey’s property. A huge pecan tree had fallen during Hurricane Issac from the neighbor’s yard (which has yet to be removed), so we figured this might be the perfect, natural place to pose for pics. An old chicken coop also serves as a natural, rustic background. Though I cannot show you the FINAL group photo (as Honey uses this for her annual Christmas card), here are a few shots of the “models” in action. By the way, we were instructed to wear black or white. The final pics will be in black and white.

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After our photo extravaganza, J, cousin Laurie, and I headed over to our annual trip to Green Acres Nursery and Christmas Store. This shop is my favorite Christmas place ever. Here is a picture of the front. I will devote a future blog to the Christmas decor there. You will be impressed. Stay tuned…


And you know I could not leave empty handed. When I spotted this wide burlap ribbon with an embroidered red scroll design, two bolts had to come home with me. Love the ribbon. I am not sure where it will be used, but I will find a place.


We finished our great day by decorating Honey’s home for the season. Honey is fortunate to have a large closet that she keeps her two trees from year to year. Yes! They stay decorated.

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I certainly enjoyed my time with the family, and I hope you did too.

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Today, I am off to decorate my sister’s home and then Sugar’s, my aunt. No shopping for me today. No way, Jose’!!!

Smile, y’all!


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful day! Love Honey's house and can't wait to see what you do with that ribbon from Green Acres! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. Love the photo shoot! What great shots of all of you. I will get my decorating done over the next two days then try to just 'enjoy' the season! Hugs, Linda

  3. Super pics of everyone! Love Honey's Christmas decor! Great job, as always, Ron! JuDavid

  4. It looks like you had a wonderful time, Ron. I love all the family photos. I hope you share the "Best One" on the card when Honey gets it printed.
    Love your ribbon, too. Have a wonderful Black Friday- xo Diana

  5. Fantastic photos! They are such treasures of family time together. I love that ribbon too ~ can't wait to see what you do with it.

    Honey is so very fortunate to have the closet space to keep the tress in. Sounds like a perfect arrangement to me!


  6. Your family has the most beautiful eyes!!! Looking forward to seeing the 'best' photo!!!


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