
Monday, November 5, 2012

Fall Back…


It’s Monday morning! I hope that everyone remembered to “Fall back” by setting their clocks back one hour on Sunday morning. I’m afraid that if you forgot you will be really early for work or wherever you have to be this morn.


The ritual of setting the many clocks around the house took place yesterday morning. I hope I found all of my clocks. I always miss one or two of them.

1 3 4 6 7 8

It takes me about a week to get used to the time change. Poor J! J will now be getting home well after dark.It takes some getting used to. Doesn’t it?

Do you like or dislike the time change? Let me know below.

I like it!

fall back

Fall Back, y’all!


  1. Oh- I set every clock back in the house except the one on my side of the bed. I was up before the chickens this morning (no we don't have chickens!;>) Personally, I like the set back. I think I am the ONLY one in my family that does. It takes me back to feeling safe in a farmhouse when I was a kid and night moved in. Blessings- xo Diana

  2. I like the set back. Especially now that my kids are older ;) I really needed that extra hour yesterday after having a bit too much fun Saturday night. (I keep thinking I'm still 25 and I'm not!) Being dark earlier at night just helps me start to get ready for Christmas :) Happy Monday!

  3. What a fun post! We don't realize how many clocks we have until it's time to reset them. I'm still confused. Your home is stunning. Love everything about it!

  4. The hubby sets all ours back the night before. After the busy weekend I had, it sure was nice gaining that extra hour:)
    Love your clock collection Ron!

  5. Love the time change, Ron! The cozy feel of the house, earlier in the evening, is just fine with me!

  6. I love all your clocks...I rarely live by the clocks to me are just for fun!

  7. Your clocks are beautiful Ron. I do like having it lighter in the morning now - but with the power outage, it is hard when it gets dark so early! Thanks for stopping by - you are so sweet. I am sure you have seen your share of hurricanes down there and can relate to what we are going through. We are very lucky though, since so much of New Jersey is just devastated!

    I am following you now too - I didn't realize I wasn't - I guess because we read many of the same blogs and I always see you "around" blogland! Take care - Shelley

  8. Microwave and car still have the old time........microwave may get changed....the car....Well it may stay that way.........

  9. I missed this one yesterday, and it wasn't because I didn't set my clocks back! You sure have a lot of clocks in your home. I love this time! :)

  10. I love the time change but it does take a while to get used to it.


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