
Friday, October 26, 2012

Trick or Treat Costumes {Halloween 2012}


It has been years since I dressed up for Halloween or a Halloween soiree. I guess as I am getting older the amount of work that goes into a great costume does not appeal to me.


During my years at Georgia Tech, I dressed up for the annual Halloween Party/luncheon.

In Atlanta, I donned costumes for Curt & Tom’s annual Halloween Extravaganza (Hmmmm? I wonder it they do that party anymore).

The 80’s are always a fun and easy choice for a costume. Yes! That’s us going back to the 80’s! “Wake me up before you go, go…”

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I searched pinterest for some great costume ideas. I especially love the family friendly ones (You know? When the entire family dresses up to a theme)

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Check out my pinterest board for sources: click HERE!


I am joining Kelly’s Korner Show Us Your Life series today for Halloween Costumes. Enjoy!


What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

Playing dress-up, y’all!


  1. No costume for me this year. I did love to dress up, though, when I was younger! Lovin' all these on the blog today. Have a great weekend! :)

  2. I totally laughed at this funny! My hubs just bought a prom tux off where the heck does that leave me?

  3. I haven't dressed up in costume in years. Love the family one's also. My daughter and family do that! Cute!


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