
Friday, October 19, 2012

My Favorite Charities {Alzheimer’s Foundation, TOMS, NO AIDS}


I am revisting this post today over at Kelly’s Korner. Click HERE! to see the post.

It is always great to give back. It is Friday, and I am linking to Kelly’s Korner for her weekly Show Us Your Life series: Favorite Charities.


My favorite charities include:

Alzheimer's Foundation

Alzheimers Concept Horizontal

My Me-Me (my mom’s mother) suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for over 15 years. I saw first hand what it did to her and would never wish the disease on anyone. I always assumed the disease affected only the elderly but have learned that diagnosis of the disease has been found in younger patients.



Alzheimer’s Foundation: click HERE

TOMS shoes: ONE for ONE movement


“In 2006, American traveler Blake Mycoskie befriended children in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One. Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with 10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by TOMS customers.

Many children in developing countries grow up barefoot. Whether at play, doing chores or going to school, these children are at risk:

•A leading cause of disease in developing countries is soil-transmitted diseases, which can penetrate the skin through bare feet. Wearing shoes can help prevent these diseases, and the long-term physical and cognitive harm they cause.

•Wearing shoes also prevents feet from getting cuts and sores. Not only are these injuries painful, they also are dangerous when wounds become infected.

•Many times children can't attend school barefoot because shoes are a required part of their uniform. If they don't have shoes, they don't go to school. If they don't receive an education, they don't have the opportunity to realize their potential.”

I have a couple pairs of TOMS, and personally I LOVE charities that allow the consumer to buy an item and money or product goes to helping others.


My TOMS blog post: click HERE


TOMS: click HERE


J & I have been supporters of the NO AIDS Walk to benefit the New Orleans AIDS Task Force.


“For over 29 years, NO/AIDS Task Force has been providing hope, care and compassion to thousands of men, women and families affected by HIV & AIDS. The Task Force acknowledges that the complications of HIV-disease are not just physical, but mental, emotional and social as well. That is why our agency offers a full spectrum of care at low to no cost, including services such as: an HIV medical clinic, food pantry, home delivered meals, housing, mental health, peer support and many others. NO/AIDS also remains committed to the health of our entire community and reaches over 20,000 each year through HIV prevention education efforts.”


NO AIDS Task Force: click HERE

It is our duty as fortunate citizens to support those in need.


Support Charities, y’all!



  1. Great post, today, Ron. It is always good to be reminded about causes that we, as members of the human race, should and need to support. Just this week, I donated to Kidd's Kidz. I also donate to the Wounded Warriors project, Susan B. Koman foundation, and CASA. Have a great weekend! <3

  2. great Post and yes....I here you...I do ALZ...because I am in the same boat, my mom has AZ and now is on the end of 12 years...and 3 bouts of pnemonia within 4 my thanks

  3. "It's our duty as fortunate citzens to support those in need". I love this statement. It just says it all!
    Thank you for bringing 3 organizations to my attention.

  4. I stubbled upon this post. I could tell you had a charitable heart by visiting your blog. God Bless you. My dear Mother has Alzheimer's, thou she is not herself, she is still cheerful and bring joy to her 6 children and many grands. I believe in the disease there is a blessing for me and my bros. & sisters.

    I think about the closet full of shoes I have and feel ashamed after reading about TOMS. Thanks for bring this to light and most surely will support this cause.

    AIDS what can I say, we must educate the world about this horrible disease to bring its end. Education is the first step.

    God Bless you heart Dear Ron,


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