
Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Cocktail Party


Republican? Democrat? I definitely prefer the Cocktail Party!


I found this great sign on a friend’s facebook page the other day and had to share it. Personally, I am so tired of all the commercials and bickering going on due to the impending election. November cannot come soon enough.

And I might have to get one of these:


Click HERE!

No matter who is your next election choice, raise your glass.

Cocktail Party, y’all!


  1. I'm with you on this one, Ron! Personally, I'm not a fan of either candidate. :/ I do love the sign AND the t-shirt. I might have to get one, too, and wear it on election day! Have a great Sunday, and GEAUX, SAINTS! :)

  2. Good afternoon Ron, Whatever your political persuasion, there is nothing like an early evening cocktail. Have a lovely Sunday. Best Wishes Daphne

  3. I am with you on this one! Cocktails 2012!!

  4. Ron
    Oh my gosh, I have to have one of these signs. My neighborhood is full of political signs and this would be fun to have in my yard. I live in a boating town and everyone knows boaters love their cocktails. Where can I get one of these signs.

  5. Oh wow, this post is an example of perfect Cocktail Party. The cute t-shirt and that board is so nice. At the local LA venue I also would be hosting a beautiful bash for my 30th birthday and want to book the prettiest LA venue for that. I was just wondering if you can share any good inspirations for the DIY party décor.


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