
Monday, August 20, 2012

Fun Finds… Vintage Olive Basket


I have longed for an olive bucket for a while now. They are really popular in home decor these days especially in country living homes or homes with traditional design incorporating industrial touches like mine.


Once used to carry olives straight from the picking, this bucket is made from true vintage metal. Rusted metal handles and slat openings to allow the olives to breath. This is one cool bucket.

I found several the other day during my trip to Dop Antiques.


I could not leave without one. I’ve seen these on ebay, etsy, and other sites in excess of $75.00. When I inquired about the price (since none of them were marked) at Dop, one gentleman stated $45.00. I just could not decide which one to choose as all were different with their own imperfections from years and years of use. While looking around, a female worker noticed I was looking at more olive buckets in another location. I again asked the price, and she stated $60.00. Perplexed. I continued to peruse the aisles. When I was ready to leave, I noticed the gentleman at the “check out” area. Remember? He was the same one who told me earlier that the bucket was $45.00. I quickly grabbed an olive bucket of my liking, placed it on the counter, and checked out. Whew! There was no sighting of the female worker, and I bought my newest find for only $45.00 plus tax.

When I got home, I simply laid it in the front parlor near an end table, so that is where it is presently. I like it there. Who knows if it will remain in this location, but it is a great addition to the numerous industrial finds mixed with my traditional Southern coastal decor.



I found this photo online of one used as a lighting fixture. Wow! I love it.


Extend an Olive Bucket, y’all!


  1. What a cool find, and aren't you just the "sneaky" little shopper! I'm sure that olive bucket won't stay near that end table for long! Those olive buckets turned lighting fixtures are just the coolest! ;)

  2. I love those old olive buckets. I never knew what they were for prior to seeing them in blog land...duh...

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    1. Yes. Please send my way.

  3. One is enough. Don't get carried away.


  4. I have seen the prices of these buckets all over the place. At first I saw them for $79 then $89 then I got mine at Scott's for $40. I went to a new antique place last week and there is one in there for $95. Don't think so. You got a good deal.

  5. Hello! I just saw those at a great antique store yesterday and was admiring how unique they are. I love them being used at light fixtures, too! You scored, the one I saw yesterday was $95.00....ekks! ~Liz

  6. Awesome find, Ron! You're right. These usually sell for a whole lot more! You got a great deal!

  7. These caught my eye in yesterday's post--glad you got one!!

  8. Thank you so very much for the information here. I was searching for these and could not believe the prices at some places and shipping from Turkey was too much. When I did another search via google your blog came up at the top and wowser...I was to the web site after finishing your post. I spoke with Michiel and am waiting for my shipment in a few days. Michiel is awesome and very helpful. Thanks to you I shall turn three into lights over a breakfast bar and the 4th, well maybe it will sit in the living room.
    I am really very grateful for your sharing of this hear on your blog. Fantastic info convoyed to the seekers out here.
    Best your way with smiles,
    Mira Faraday

  9. Do you have to have a tax id to shop at Dops? Thanks!

  10. Do you have to have a tax id to shop at Dops?


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