
Friday, April 27, 2012

My Own Science Experiment, Kobo's Plant the Box Calendula Candle

BFF Richard of San Francisco gifted me with a candle that I had never heard of (imagine that!) when he visited recently for French Quarter Fest. It is Kobo’s Catalan Calendula Plant the Box candle. You heard me right. It is a candle in an eco-friendly box with seeds glued to the top. The directions are easy. Simply soak the box in water, plant the box in soil, give it some love (water, sunlight), and watch it grow. It is like a do-it-at-home science project. Oh what fun!

Yesterday, I planted the box in a faux bois concrete pot, placed it in a sunny spot on the patio, watered it, and now I wait for it to grow. I will document the progress. Stay tuned.

The candle itself is the catalan calendula scent. The calendula, also called pot marigold, is in the daisy family. I also found out that calendula has been used traditionally as both a culinary and medicinal herb. The petals are edible and can be used in fresh salads. Hmmmm? I’ll see about that later.

Water and watch it grow, y’all!


  1. This has got to be the coolest thing I have ever heard of! I can't wait to "virtually" watch it grow. :)

  2. Awesome! Green! Where do I purchase?

  3. Who knew? That Richard is soooooo thoughtful.


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