
Sunday, April 8, 2012

HOPpy Easter

Easter Weekend continued yesterday with a trip to my bro-in-law & sis's home in Houma, LA. Friends, family, and more crawfish were the order of our picture perfect weather day.

The kids (and I am talking about the little ones) enjoyed a huge water slide, an Easter egg hunt, dyeing eggs, and a "dance (aka wrestling for Henri) party". The adults delighted in the foods (boiled crawfish, crabs, and many delicious hors d'oeurves), the drinks (beer, wine, margaritas, rum punch), and good ole Southern gossip.

The Water Slide...

Nephew Jean-Luc takes the plunge

Post Easter egg hunt (checking out their loot)...

My godchild, Henri

Niece Lucy (LuLu)

Cousin Marc

Dyeing Easter eggs...

The crawfish...

The "dance (aka wrestling) party with Lucy & Henri"... to the song, "they found love in a hopeless place"!
          My nephew thinks he is John Cena, a professional wrestler. Oh lawd!!! He eats, sleeps, and breathes wrestling. I hope it is just a faze.

Shake it, LuLu!

Check out John Cena!

And a special appearance by Sugar...

Any "Dance Moms" training?

More pics from an enjoyable Easter Eve...

Thanks Co & Chris (that's CrisCo) for an awesome day. Today, the "party" moves to Sugar's house in Thibodaux. I hope you and yours have a Happy Easter!

And do not forget about my GIVE AWAY....enter through Thursday, April 12!
Here are the rules of the give away:

1. You must be a current follower of my blog. Simply go to the left hand margin of my blog, and click on "Join this site". Follow all prompts.
2. You must be a Linky Follower. Simply go to the left margin and click on "follow me" under Follow by Linky.
3. You must post a comment to this blog post below.
4. You must reside in the continental United States.

I also suggest that you "follow by email" so that you do not miss any of my blog posts.

The drawing for the 2 oyster coffee mugs will be on Thursday, April 12 @ 6:00 p.m. central time. Winner will be announced on Friday, April 13. The two mugs will be given away as a set to one follower meeting the above criteria.

Good Luck, friends!

HOPpy Easter, y'all!


  1. Happy Easter to you and all of your family! <3

  2. Love my babies!!! Oh,so cute! John Cena at his finest!

  3. Cute kids! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  4. Glad you had a wonderful, family-filled Easter!


Thanks for reading and commenting @ The Uptown Acorn! I love hearing from you. Cheers, y'all!