
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Au revoir, Mardi Gras 2012!

Just as Rex meets Comus, all good things must come to an end.  Mardi Gras 2012 has been one to remember. J & I were so enthused to host many friends, neighbors, family, and total strangers during our two week long Uptown parade-a-thon. For my final Mardi Gras 2012 blog post, I’d like to remember this Carnival season.

Thanks to my “official/unofficial” photographer BFF LK for her professional photos during this Carnival season. I know you were very busy.

Here are the memories of great people, awesome places, and amazing things. Hail Everyone!
Throw Me Something, Mister!!!
The Parades

The People

The Things

Let the clean-up begin...

See all my former Mardi Gras posts:

As the Mardi Gras season ends, the Lenten season begins... I am ready to rest! Are y'all?

Happy Lent, y'all!


Thanks for reading and commenting @ The Uptown Acorn! I love hearing from you. Cheers, y'all!